Monday, January 1, 2018

Poll 75 Results / New Polls

We are now in the year of 2018! That means more girls' feet to show, more polls, and a lot more to come!

Our two Star Wars Polls have reached their end. Here are the results:

Looks like it was close for Ahsoka, but Rey came in first with her feet from the desert. Ahsoka from a planet of barefoot females came in second while in third was Mara Jade. Guess we all love the new Jedi of the Sequel Trilogy, thought we all love you too, Ahsoka.

As for the extra poll, it seems that people want to be neutral in the Force, and not a Jedi or Sith. Good call, I guess, though there would be some Jedi or Sith females who would make you serve their feet for the decision you made. Still good show, all of you.

Now, as for the new poll, it is not up yet, but I have the idea for it. Overwatch Girls. And for May, a poll for which of Han Solo's love interests' feet would you be at. Hope you all enjoy what's to come in the New Year!

Great to be back. See you soon!
-Flynn Mars


  1. Dont like Rey, she is a MaRey Sue. Ahsoka is the best

  2. Its too bad Tahiri wasn't on here manly because she was seen mostly in the novels, she is one fine barefoot blonde Jedi babe!

  3. :-D Great poll Flynn!! Thanks again for making it. I voted for Mara Jade myself. Couldn't resist a redhead.

    A new Overwatch poll sounds like a great idea. I'm definitely up for it if you want to do that for this month. Just send me a link and I'll add it in. Like the idea for a Han Solo poll too. :-D

  4. I sent in my own vote XD though Marajade and Maris were close, I voted for Serra Keto.

    Actually I don't like Ahsoka XD, I don't really feel anything for her. As for Rey I'm so so, she never really struggles and everything is so easy for her. She's cute, but as a character meh. TBH most of the girls on this list save Mara, Maris, and Satele I didn't like personally with Rey being so-so.

    Meh on Overwatch played it for 5 hours got bored and returned it. Not sure why people are into it, there's no story and it's so repetitive. Though the girls are decent, well some of them. Though some of the characters are rip offs like Sombra for example. People thought she was a joke at first as she looks identical to Laura Matsuda.

    1. :-D Serra is new to me but I googled her...she looks really nice.

      :-) I haven't got a chance to play that game series myself but think the female characters look attractive in it. Heh heh that comparison between Laura and Sombra is spot on.
