Tuesday, January 16, 2018

UQ Holder!: Isht Karin Orte

An immortal who survived the witch hunt during the 15th century. Her body can't be harmed in any way, though she still feels the pain. I'm not sure if she's barefoot in other episodes I was just tipped off about episode 4, the last three are from episode 9 which I found capping another girl i'll post here tomorrow.


  1. No disrespect in any way,but I'm beginning to think you don't watch/read most of the shows and books the characters are from and just copy their information down from a website.

    I don't like to think that,but that's what it seems like to me.

    1. Well I don’t, I rarely get time to go through animes I just look at GIFs from deviantart find out through them what episode it came from and ask them if they’re barefoot in other episodes or I hear about an anime from word of mouth and just skim til i find the scenes I want. As for descriptions Yes I get them from a site called AnimeList.

      😔 Sorry to disappoint you I really am but I do have a life outside this blog.

    2. It's understandable, life outside this kind of stuff is more important.

      Nah, I'm sorry, I was really curious ever since you posted that blog of Miki.

  2. I would love to be trampled by her. Great post Gumball. :-D

  3. I don’t wanna sound like “that” person, but do you have these in better quality?

    1. No, I cannot find websites that show episodes in better quality if this anime was on Crunchyroll they definitely would’ve been in better quality but I have to work with what I got.

    2. This is something that will lift up my spare amazing post GBW.
      And kissanime has better quality.

  4. Hey Gumball, (believe me or not) it's me who advised you to check episode 4 yesterday. Just saying you could've added more to episode 4, but otherwise it's all good pal. Karin really has a good figure.

    1. The shower scene was the only barefoot scene i saw
