Sunday, March 11, 2018

Darling in the FranXX: Zero Two

Darling in the FranXX is an anime that has been gaining a lot of popularity. A recent episode gave a really good foot scene of the female lead in the series Zero Two.

Plus a bonus animation. :-)
(These were taken from Darling in the FranXX Episode 8. A special thank you to Serashikoki for introducing me to this scene and character. ^_^)

The premise of Darling in the FranXX sort of has a Pacific Rim feel to it. Humanity is at war with giant beasts known as Klaxosaurs. To defend against the monsters, humans pilot giant mechs known as FranXX. FranXX need to piloted in teams of male and female pilots. The male lead in the series Hiro is a struggling rookie who is paired with a famous female pilot with Klaxosaur blood known as Zero Two. 

I watched the episode these caps were taken from and Darling in the FranXX seems like a pretty enjoyable series. Zero Two is a fun character. She seem playful and intelligent while possessing some serious skills. I don't think that I've seen an anime character who could move quite so fluidly as this one. She flips around with perfect dexterity. Even her feet are incredibly graceful as demonstrated in the images above where she deftly uses her toes to strip off her partner's towel while he is chasing after her. ^o^ The way the characters moves is definitely aided by the series' animation which is beautifully drawn. Appearance-wise Zero Two looks really good. She has an exotic appearance possessing pink hair and faint traces of devil horns due to her Klaxosaur DNA. She also has a great mischievous smile that appears when she is being playful.

After watching this episode, I'm really tempted to watch the rest of the series so it's possible that you'll see more of this anime further down the line. Here's hoping that there are more scenes of this girl in the future.

All right everyone. That's all for now. Until next time. :-D


  1. nothing better than a girl who can use her feet as hands

  2. She a interesting character but she's not all that but still great post KSC :-) your post always amaze me

  3. Episode 7 is a "beach episode" which may also interest you.

    1. O.O Definitely have to watch that one. Thanks very much for the tip. :-D

  4. HAD to save the pic of her soles when she dropped the towel! Another great post KSC!

    1. Thanks...yeah the view of her feet after she dropped the towel was my favorite.

  5. Zero Two is a goddess, and this episode cemented that for me! 8D

    1. :-D The breakout character of 2018 for me.

    2. Same here, she's DEFINITELY the series' "Best Girl" as far as I'm concerned~.

  6. This girl...Why does she remind me of Star Butterfly, except turn tsundere...

  7. Awesome Keychan64. Excited to see what you post. ^_^

  8. Always love a girl with handy feet. XD

  9. A girl that is able to use her feet like that is instant hot.

    1. Hey, I been reading this manga online called Dokunie Cooking, its a comedy fantasy series that takes a twist on a concept. Okay, basically an elf girl named Popa is offer a virgin sacrifice to a monster that attacks a village, so it very sucks to be her but there is one problem that keeps her from being eaten. She tastes awful. So, she does her best to make her body taste better, including getting rid of her foot odor, which is one of the top reason why the monster won't eat her. In case you're thinking, why would she keep trying to be sacrifice when this could be a good thing, well, her parents left a huge debt on her head is more or less impossible to pay off, so being eaten sounds about good. Anyway, the series is funny, but keep in mind it is also an ecchi but there a good deal of barefeet in almost every chapter. Look it up, sometime.

    2. O.O Sounds like a really good manga to look into. Going to try to find it. Thanks very much for recommending it Shadowmandude. :-D

  10. XD to be fair Pacific Rim had a Evangelion feel too it XD. Though I love all three series (Eva, Rim, DITF) she's a super lovely girl =D

    1. :-D One of these days I really have to watch Evangelion. Love both Pacific Rim and DITF. Yeah she's really great.

  11. This is why I love Zero-Two. She's not only an awesome girl but she got lovely feet.

    1. I wonder what kind of flavor her toes have. Honey? Cinnamon? Brown sugar?

    2. Maybe bubblegum or cotton candy because of her pink hair. :-D

      I'm sure they are very sweet.

  12. Good for you, let us know if you're back, Keychan.

  13. I'm a fan of pink/red heads for some reason.
