Saturday, March 24, 2018

The Mummy: Anck-Su-Naman plus Bonus

This is a fun one... A tribute to the resurrected Egyptian Dark priestess Anck-Su-Naman. :-)
Anck-Su-Naman is the romantic interest of Imhotep the title character of the Mummy series. In her past life Anck-Su-Naman worked for the Princess of Egypt Nefertiri but betrayed her. As punishment the Pharoah turned her into a mummy. Imhotep revives her in Season 2 to help with his plans. Not wanting to rule under anyone she betrays him.

The Egyptian villainess proves to be a really powerful adversary for the heroes of the series. She knows how to use magic commanding powerful spells such as elemental control. She can drawn the life of other humans and her powers seem to rival that of the main villain in the series as she's able to blast him across the room in her debut. Added onto that Anck-Su-Naman is beautiful as well and foot fans can definitely appreciate the fact that her cartoon incarnation is barefoot all the time. It definitely makes her scenes all the more fun to watch. ^_^ While the character only appears in a couple of episodes... she's definitely really memorable

Ok...a little bit of an added is some caps of a minor character from the show...

(A Huge thanks to the Legendary Master of Sole Shots Match25 for Capping this series.)

I can't really give you guys too much information about the latter character because I'm not really familiar with her. She is a tribal girl who befriends Alex O'Connell. (The Redheaded boy in the above cap who is the series' lead) As other tributes involving native island girls (i.e. Pocahontas, Moana, Kida and Chel) have shown...they can often be depicted barefoot. Such is the case with Isshia. ^_^ She does look really cute.

The Mummy's cartoon adaptation aired during the peak of my childhood. It was a great time period for Cartoon series as there were a bunch of amazing shows to choose from. Because of that though I wound up overlooking this series pretty much. I hadn't seen the Mummy films and preferred to spend my time watching Superman The Animated Series, The Adventures of Batman and Robin, Static Shock, Batman Beyond, Jackie Chan Adventures and animes like Pokemon and Yugioh. As a result, I only was able to catch a couple of episodes of this series on occasion. It's a good series though with a fair amount of action and fun storyline. It follows a similar plot to the films with an evil mummy (Imhotep) being resurrected and attempting to take over the world. Being aimed towards a younger audience, the hero of the film's 11 year old son Alex is given a more prominent role. Alex winds up accidentally putting on a Manacle that grants him magical powers. He eventually learns that his destiny is to become a Medjai, a hero who will combat the Mummy and save the world from darkness.

Ok...while I'm on this post. It seems appropriate to cover a little bit of foot related trivia. Feet come in various shapes and can be separated into categories such as Roman, Greek and Egyptian. Considering that we have some Egyptian feet present in this tribute, let's cover that particular shape. An Egyptian foot is classified as a foot where the toes gradually decrease in length and size from largest to smallest. (Example) When we are dealing with animated characters,  you have to keep in mind that the shape of a character's foot can vary from picture to picture. However there are quite a few frames Anck-Su-Naman's match this foot shape perfectly such as this one here. A nice little Easter Egg to think about as we close out this post. ^_^

Until Next time everyone!


  1. Always loved her. But I get so mad during the end of that 2nd movie it radiates to her here XD

    Love the trivia!

    1. Yeah... I also wish that the cartoon used her more. We only got a couple of episodes involving her.

      :-D Thanks... will try to find some more trivia in the future.

  2. The good times back when a movie or actor was so popular, they'ed have their own cartoon, like Jackie Chan.

  3. That was pretty good cartoon, and a nice collection you got here.

    Other news, more Equestria Girls videos posted, and Applejack shows some nice feet at the beach here:

    1. :-D Thanks Shadowmandude.

      O_O Wow... That is awesome. It really great to get a view of Applejack in her human form. :-D Thank you very much for this clip as well.

    2. Also more Pinkie and Twilight, they going all out with these beach shorts but I really want to see a barefoot Fluttershy

    3. Great... I'm really happy these ponies have been giving use so many good scenes lately. I can understand that Fluttershy is very cute. ^_^

  4. She’s like what a thousand years old? I wonder how her feet would smell 😏

    1. :-D I imagine that they would be a lot to handle.
