Tuesday, May 1, 2018

American Dragon Jake Long: Bertha

A stupid female giant who enjoys going barefoot and was one of the magical creatures captured by the Huntsclan with Reggie, Silver, Clooney, and the main hero, Jake. Apparently, she has constant foot odor, because Reggie fainted three times after getting a whiff of them. Honesty, if she was smarter or at least, more normal, she would have use her stinky feet for domination towards those who love feet, I sure want to smell her feet anytime I want. This is a temporary post I thought of since I became an member of this blog and I want to end my posts for this month on this so I can start fresh next month.  This is from the Hunted, the season one finale of the show and some pictures here are from Animated Feet Wiki page.


  1. *shudders* How cringeworthy....

  2. One of my favorite show but not this scene.

    1. Do you hate this post and her feet?

    2. Hate's a strong word so no i don't hate it i just don't like the post sorry man. And yes i don't like her feet.

    3. Isn't because they stink or badly drawn?

    4. So you hate foot odor? What smell is better for female feet?

    5. The kind that doesn't smell like a dumpster. Why would ANYONE enjoy that kind of odor?

    6. What's wrong with foot odor on girls?

  3. It's too bad she's not very attractive, because I'd normally love a girl who puts so much attention to her feet.

    1. Still, it's better than nothing at all.

    2. I guess so.

      Say, Custom, what's your Gmail? I think I'll try talking to you there.

    3. We can probably RP through there, if you're interested.

    4. I will. What do you want me to do?

    5. Well, remember how I mentioned Nadia from Magi? I'd love to play with her, if it's possible.

    6. Then go right ahead and play with her. Nadja is adorable.

    7. Just respond to the message I sent, and we can begin!

    8. I sent the message. Now you just need to respond.

    9. I'll try sending it again,

    10. Did you get it this time? If not, try sending an email to me, at chadcamw@gmail.com.

    11. I saw your pictures and they were nice, Layne.

    12. Awesome. Now, we can finally begin RPing!

    13. How are we doing with the role playing, Layne?

  4. well the problem is most people aren’t really invested in heavy set characters there are some but not a lot. Sounds asshole-y but that’s just how most people think unfortunately

    1. What are you saying, GumballW? Is this a bad post?

    2. People have there preferences this ones just not for me I apologize

    3. I'm sorry about this, but I'll post an much better girl tomorrow for you, GumballW.

    4. Not to sound like a dick but just like you did that one from Martha Speaks GBW not all that great just saying no hard feelings.

    5. What's wrong with commenting on these posts, Dean? It seems sad to not talk about them.

  5. This is just a terrible crap post... Post some viewable girls, not this disgusting big piece of s***

    R.I.P Anime Feet 2007 - 2017

    1. I can do better, Trony. How would you fix this blog? I'm sorry for getting you upset.

    2. Doing quality posts, posting good looking girls, with high quality pictures. Foot fetishism only applies to good looking girls with good looking feet, otherwise, it is just another degerenated conduct, which is GROSS.

      I would like to become a contributor, but I dont't think KSC is willing to add me, specially because of the recent friction I had with GumballW and because I support Bambino.

      The best thing you can do is deleting this crap, and doing better posts, you have done that already, just keep doing like that, so this blog can revive, it has been death for almost a year.

    3. Oh. I have better looking girls and feet so I can improve myself.

    4. This blog died when Bambino deleted all him posts I helped bring it back

    5. So Bambino is pretending to be Trony again?

    6. Actually I think it really is Trony

    7. Does this mean I have to stop?

    8. Hey GumballW and Match25, stop stating those things, your affirmations about me are ridiculous and make you look like ruffled kids. Did I call you an "autist" like if it was an insult? Or did I mocked of you because of your condition? No, I just disagree with the way you're driving this blog, it used to be really cool, there used great posts every week, but not anymore, now we see this kind of bad posts.

      And dear Custom 958, I really like your enthusiasm, and I will support your work, but please for everyone's sake, don't post bad looking girl characters again, please.

    9. OK, Trony. I would say anime female characters look better in my opinion, how about you?

    10. Yeah, in part, but it also depends on the animation style and the character itself... Also, there are cartoon characters like Wuya, Tala, Poison Ivy, Waha, Nisa, Amalia, Coqueline, Elely, Tupu, Lapis Lazulli and a large etcetera, that are very good looking and most of them are charming, and the best thing, they're barefooters.

    11. I know, why you do see more of barefooters get more detail than non-barefooters?

    12. Bare feet add more mysticism, hence the character look more interesnting, you can't stop wondering why, if it is by choice and why. Also, there is some sexual component added in most cases, and the "unconventional" feeling, going against stablished politics such as dress codes and all that bullshit about what you should wear, that trait itself makes the character even more attractive. That's why I complained about this post, it is the opposite of what bare feet should mean in a character.

    13. So what you're saying is that this post is off-putting because of the dress code of no footwear and not the design?

    14. No, you're missing the point. You can't compare ugly looking characters to good looking characters, that's the main difference, and that includes stinky feet, which are the opposite to attractive. Check whatever character I listed in my earlier comment, you'll see the difference. In other words, this character is ugly in every aspect.

    15. OK. So I can't figure all this out on my own? I'm sorry for my stupidity. Can I show better looking characters?

  6. Nice Custom. :-) Smelly feet scenes are rare.

    1. KingsSideCastle, do you think that this is a bad post just because she has smelly feet? I mean, the comments here were mostly negative.

    2. No...I know there are quite a few people on the site who like smelly feet too.

      I think the characters appearance plays a little bit of a role in the comments but that's fine. This is one of those post where the character is posted more for completion than aesthetics. It's a good foot focused moment so it's understandable that you would post her.

    3. OK, that next post which is on Risa from the Accel World movie was more positive than this one.

    4. :-D This understandable. Risa is very hot!!

    5. Thank you. I had seen the movie and first half of it was a recap of the show and the second half was the new stuff.
