Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Flying Witch: Akane Kowata (Walpurgisnacht special)

Day four of the Walpurgisnacht special.
Tonight the master witch Akane Kowata.

Akane is Makoto's older sister.  The two are opposites in many ways, from appearance to personality. Although both could be said to be carefree in their own way, Makoto with her obliviousness and Akane with her laid-back attitude.  Akane is very cat like in her personality and can be seen napping frequently during the season.  She also has a tendency to disappear and return with out warning. Despite this she is a very accomplished witch and serves as mentor to both Makoto and Chinatsu.   She is also a heavy drinker and a party animal, especially when around her best friend Inukai.

Also, she like to wear sandals.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Nice light brown feet. I bet they taste like chocolate.

  3. Oh dear god, yes! Sandaled feet and a tanned female is a blessing from the gods!

  4. :-D Another great witch. She seems like a really cool character.

  5. i love sandaled girls, great post
