Sunday, April 1, 2018

Golden Sun Darkness: Sveta

Ok I'm really excited that so many of you like the new direction of the site. Keeping your opinions in mind, here is a tribute Sveta from Golden Sun Darkness.
(Various webfinds of this character Special Thanks to the person that recommended this.)

Sveta is a Demi God. She is an Adept who has the special ability Spirit Sense where her keen sense of smell allows her to visualize Psyenergy.

She seems like a cool character and looks really powerful. I've always wanted to play the Golden Sun series. I hope to be able to play it one day.

Ok rushing through these to try to get to as many characters as I can today. More characters still ahead.


  1. Yay. It was me who recommended this character. There is very little official art, and the quality fanart from her is rare, but she is a lovely chracter.

    1. :-D Thanks again for the recommendation... it was a great pick. ^_^
