Sunday, April 1, 2018

Lola Bunny Megapost Part 5 (Yet some more from the Looney Toons Show)

More Miscellaneous episodes involving Lola. :-)
The Shelf 
The focus of this episode involved Lola attempting to help Bug's friend Speedy Gonzales move into a new place. She winds up picking up furniture for him but they're more suited to Lola's quirky tastes. ^_^
Lola apparently loves Bells as she demonstrates with her Anklet. ^_^
Itsy Bitsy Gopher
One of the Gopher Twins Mac and Tosh goes missing and Lola attempts to help Daffy find the missing gopher. Hilarity ensues!
Rebel without a Glove
Bugs loses his gloves and wind up getting Biker gloves to replace them. As a result Bugs starts developing the traits and personality of a Biker Gang member. Lola finds it attractive but her father doesn't approve.
The great thing about this episode is that we get to see Lola put on a cute Biker outfit in this one. It comes with a pair of boots thought. ^_^;
Semper Lie
To avoid going to a Peach festival with Porky, Bugs lies to Porky and Lola that he has to help his sister move. It balloons from there and Bugs winds up having to pose as his sister and flying to Albania to maintain the lie.
Customer Service
Daffy's girlfriend Tina is suspended from her job at the copy center for yelling at the customers. She enlists the relaxed Lola's help in learning to keep her cool when dealing with other people.
The great thing about this episode is that it highlights Lola optimistic, easy going and happy go lucky personality. Lola is the type of person that doesn't get bothered by a Copy machine breaking.
A person stealing her parking spot is just an excuse to practice her sexy walk...
...which still needs a lot of work. ^_^;
While Tina is upset when she gets sprayed with a perfume sample without being asked,
Lola is excited that she didn't even have to ask for a perfume sample. 
She even encourages the saleswoman to spray again several times.
Foot fans would notice that has feet sprayed with perfume as well.
Even when Lola is given the wrong meal she ordered... she just sees it as an opportunity to try something new.
To help her understand Lola's way of thinking, Tina has Lola imagine a scenario with an unhappy customer.
We get some insight into Lola's mind as she pictures the customer to be Bugs. ^_^
She informs Tina to do whatever the customer wants. ^_^
Year of the Duck
This episode had Lola convince Bugs to host a beauty pageant. She decides to help Bugs with his MC duties. ^_^

:-D A lot of great episodes and we're still not through yet. More of Lola still to come. 


  1. Why don't you take a break from Lola and do Leilani for me?

    1. I'll close to finishing Lola up. I'll try to post some others including Leilani after that. ^_^
