Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Writing stuff on Anime Feet canceled

Well,I usually I don't cave in to the bitches of the net,but they're starting to grow irritating and I Refuse to deal with their shit. So, I've decided to cancel all fiction stuff that I had planned for this blog.

It's a pain in the ass, since I have no clue how to contribute without the use of my laptop. Maybe I can post links to fics and pics or something..I dunno. Maybe you guys can give me some ideas..ideas that won't attract the annoyances?


  1. a que te refieres con cancelar todas las cosas de ficción que había planeado para este blog?
    What do you mean by canceling all the fictional things I had planned for this blog?

  2. I don't know what kind of idea I have for you but have you tried I wanted to write my own stories too.

    1. ya no vas a poner imagenes de los pies descalzos con zapatos o sin zapatos, con o sin calcetines

    2. I Hate since they limited not only the number of Interactive Stories to one per free member,but they also limit the times a free member can view things. That last part might be just a glitch that they refuse to fix. Still,I hate them.

    3. I don't know what other site would work.

  3. We can still do this on another site or sonething..maybe DA. we'll talk more about it via e-mail.

  4. There's Deviantart you can look into. As well as Wattpad and Fanfiction. :)

  5. Bummer... for the record I didn't mind the stories myself and I would have sided with you Stefan regardless of the comments but do what makes you feel comfortable.

    1. Are you saying that it's OK to write stories in this blog?

    2. Yes...I figured it would give the blog opportunities to be updated more frequently.

      I'm not really worried they would interfere with the picture posts because writing takes a much longer time to complete.

    3. All right. I don't want this blog to be inactive with nothingness.

    4. So I'll do what I can to keep it the way it is. Am I doing too much for you?

    5. Ok. I was doing this for you.

    6. You're welcome. This anonymous person kept trash talk about how we shouldn't post written stories to this blog.

    7. I wasn't "trash talking," dude. I was stating that this blog has been about showcasing female feet in visual media. Because that's what it has been for over ten years.

    8. You're definatly right, But, I wanted to do something a bit different, especially since I can't use my laptop at the moment (long story). However, once I do have access to kt, I'll be posting some great pics.

    9. Anonymous, what's wrong with expanding the blog to go beyond showcasing pictures of female feet?

  6. I like the female feet pictures sorry if my comment made u sad in any way, guess this blog can go in a new direction 😎☺

    1. :-D Just to clarify any misunderstanding. It not like we were ever going to stop doing the pictures and focus on stories. It was just an extra. I'm well aware what the primary focus of the blog is. They are more like free fries that come along with a Cheeseburger meal rather than a replacement for the cheeseburger itself.
