Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Valvrave the Liberator: Takahi Ninomiya

An 3rd-year student and in charge of the women's athletic department in Sakimori Academy. She comes off to your typical rich girl in the school with noble beauty. Her relationship with Saki Rukino went nowhere because Takahi saw her as a former idol who does whatever she likes and neglecting her duties and after Saki possessed Haruto's (main hero's) body, she made fun of her, resulting in Takahi developing weird feelings toward Haruto despite of him not having an love interest on her. Later, she became the Minister of Foreign Affairs in the new JIOR.


  1. :-D Nice Custom. Always awesome to see an attractive blonde.

    1. She is an supporting character.

    2. I have another girl from Valvrave and it is much better than this. KingsSideCastle, I am worried about what my posts are problematic to others.
