Friday, June 8, 2018

God Eater: Alisa Ilinichina Amiella (Figure)

I know I've been pretty slow with my posting lately... work has been hitting me pretty hard. I definitely have some more anime, comic book and videogame tributes coming up this month. For now though I'm going to try to keep the Figure Fridays trend going with another model tribute. This one is for the Russian God Eater Alisa. ^_^ 
(A combination of Various Webfind. Huge Thank yous to Seraskf and Figsoku for introducing me to this character and model. ^_^)

God Eater is Science Fiction/Adventure video game series and anime franchise that takes place in war torn future where creatures called Aragami are on the verge of wiping out humanity. To combat the monsters, a Finnish Pharmaceutical company called Fenrir designed bio-mechanical weaponry that is capable of fending them off. Only specific humans are able to wield those weapons effectively. Individuals that are able to do that are called God Eaters.^_^; I feel like I've covered a very similar premise when I was writing about Darling in the FranXX. I guess the heroes of the series wield weapons instead of pilot mechs this time around.  ^_^

Alisa seems like a fun character. She's cheeky and impatient. The game shows her having some signs of emotional trauma that she has to overcome. In the anime she can be arrogant and even a little  ruthless leaving her teammates to fend for themselves. She declares herself as the best God Eater out ther. She has her good qualities too though. She goes out of her way to help civilians and once the player bonds with her she is kind and helpful looking out for her team. She definitely has an impressive set of fighting skills. She wields her weapons with extreme profiency

This figure of Alisa in this tribute is a 1/8 scale sized (10.1"/260mm) model released by Alphamax based on her God Eater 2 appearance. It is definitely on the fanservice end showing her off in a swimsuit. It is impossible to blame the model's designers for doing that though because she looks incredibly hot. Well played Alphamax well played. 🂡 

Ok Everyone...that will do it for today. Enjoy the pictures and as always more to come soon!


  1. This girl is pretty much one of the reasons I got into God Eater. I have a thing for Alisa.

    1. By the way, God Eater is like Monster Hunter but more story-driven and darker.

    2. Yeah I like her a lot. O.O Have to look into Monster Hunter. ^_^

    3. Had you checked out Monster Hunter World, KSC? I heard that game was made for newcomers.

    4. No although I've seen clips of it online. It looks great.

    5. If you have an PS4 or Xbox One, get this game because of how massive it was.

    6. O.O Alright might give it a shot.

  2. Yeah, she's got a hot outfit going there, she also one of the characters in the Project X Zone games. Nice set of pics here, man.

    1. :-D Thanks Shadowmandude. Yeah... she has a gorgeous outfit. O.O I think I want to play those games now.

    2. KSC, I had played a bit of God Eater 2 Rage Burst on the PS4 and it was all right. But the anime-style cutscenes were cool.

    3. :-D Got love anime-style cutscenes especially with a beauty like this.

    4. Yeah, I do because it always seems like it would be nice to see an actual anime based on the game.

    5. Some games have longer stories than others.

  3. Sucks that we'll never get a season 2, it was setting some interesting stuff up.

    1. That would be dealing with the second main game.

    2. :-D would have been great to see more of this character in anime form.

    3. Me too because she is a cool beauty.

    4. I don't know if there are any more female characters in the God Eater games to talk about.

    5. would be cool if there are more.

    6. You're no different from me since I only saw the anime and rarely played the games.
