Friday, June 1, 2018

Poll 78 Results

Sorry for the late posting today guys... It's been a busy week. Give me a little bit of time to catch up and respond to the comments. For now though, it's the first of the month. You guy know what that means... Yup...the 78th poll of the month has come to an end after a whopping 1714 votes, here are the results. :-)
It looks Sailor Mars burnt her competition with 332 votes, she proved that her feet are the ones that most people would let walk all over them with. In second place was Mythra from the Xenoblade series and Asuka Langley took 3rd. Don't feel too bad for the rest of these women. You know the women in this set are hot when even the lowest voted character has 34 people who would let her walk all over them.

As always, I want to give a humongous thank you to everyone for voting and sharing their opinions and I'll be on the lookout for the top contenders in the poll. I'll try to find some good material for Rei. :-D

So this month should be interesting... I have a lot of good material I'm hoping to post to kick the summer off and there's a lot of great stuff you guys have sent in that I need to catch up on. I just hope I have the time to work on the site. I've also been working on some new storylines so we might have another week of daily chapter postings soon.

As for this month's new poll. I already have an idea for it. :-D I'm going to set it up as soon as I finish posting this entry.

All Right guys...on that note, more to come soon!


  1. For those that are curious... my favorite of these characters was Sailor Mars as well. She one of my top 10 favorite anime characters so I'm really happy to see that so many people like her. Great voting guys. :-D

    1. I see. Sailor Mars is also one of my favorite Pretty Guardians and speaking of Sailor Moon, I really need to go back and revisit that anime this summer.

    2. I'm kind of surprised that Mythra got that many votes.

    3. :-D Yes. Sailor Mars rocks. It's a good anime. I think they had a remake too recently.

      Mythra seems interesting... I really want to play Xenoblade. ^_^

      Who was your top favorite for this poll Custom?

    4. Maki from Love Live because of I adore redheads and her music. Speaking of Mythra, the Xenoblade series is a Nintendo series (the original of the Wii and 3DS, X is on the Wii U and the Xenoblade 2 is on the Switch). If you love JRPGs like Final Fantasy then you will love Xenoblade.

    5. Nice. ^_^

      O.O Wow the series sounds awesome.

    6. It is, watch any gameplay videos of the Xenoblade series to see what I mean.

    7. I really want to play it. Maybe can get the 3DS version.

  2. Sailor Mars and Maki Nishikino are the only tsunderes I'd let walk on me with their barefeet. :)

  3. This was a very very very very tough choice for me, I voited for Rei/Mars, but Asuka and Rin were very close, I also love Tron, Lulu, Anna, Maki, Haruhi, and Kaname. I'm a big fan of Tsundere's and there were plenty I wanted to write in as well.

  4. This was a easy choice for me because Sailor Mars is such a fine fire type gal.
