Sunday, July 29, 2018

Agent Aika: Aika

SumeragiAika Sumeragi is an extremely skilled salvager, being able to accomplish even the most dangerous mission with minimal support and equipment. She is also a very capable fighter and is able to handle basically every type of combat equipment or firearm. Despite her incredible qualities she works for a a company on the way of bankrupt, the "K.K. Corporation". The company is owned byt Gozo aida, former industrial spy and then best salvager but that had to retire from active duty due to an accident due to the reckless attitude of Aika when they worked as a team.  Gozo oftern remarks to her to try and find a better job and to not blame herself for his retirement. But Aika stay there because she consider Gozo and his daughter Rion as her family.  Aika is able, wearing a her trademark golden bustier, to trasform in a dark-skinned, blue haired version of herself. She also have something like a white bodypaint covering her nudity and a gem between her breasts. The bustier is in reality a device called "Alternate Metal". The changes on her body are due to the Metal covering and fusing with her, augmenting her abilities to unkown levels. She is also able to produce metallic tentacles that are able to perform various action like grabbing objects with extreme precision, attacking enemies or twirl lik a vortex to act as a shield.  In this form, even if the name is never said in the OVAs, she is called "Shivie Aika". It isn't clear if Aika is in complete control of the Metal because it have a mind of his own and often come out when aika is in danger, even if she try to stop it claiming to not have asked for its help.


  1. I've seen this anime a few years ago, it was cool but there were a lot of panty shots.

  2. Replies
    1. Not as nice as yours or any girl's.

    2. I think some pretty good animation. ^_^

    3. Thanks KSC.
      Custom 958 what is wrong with you?

    4. Dean, nothing. I have a bad feeling that KSC will become exhausted from this excitement on feet without complaining. Do you feel like resting every once in a while?

    5. It's coming all right, you just don't know your limitations.

  3. Is a good Job, butthe photos are so little.
