Saturday, July 7, 2018

Bioshock: Eleanor Lamb

Ok today's post is a tribute to Eleanor Lamb from Bioshock. :-D
(A massive thank you to the Master of Sole Shots Match25 for getting this. ^_^)

My knowledge on Bioshock is a little limited. It is a first person shooter videogame series that is set in an underwater city of Rapture. Rapture was set up in the 1940's as a place where the best of humanity could work, live and prosper without having to answer to the governments of the world. It didn't work out quite that well. The scientists in Rapture discovered a way to grant humans supernatural abilities by harvesting a substance called Adam using little girls ("Little Sisters") and sea slugs called Plasnids. Creating the substance required the Plasnids to be implanted in the girls belly. Because Adam was a highly desired substance, wars were fought over it. The scientists in Rapture created genetically modified humans called "Big Daddies" to protect the girls.

Eleanor is one of the main characters in Bio Shock 2. She is a "Little Sister" who is bonded with Delta (the player controlled character). Delta is Big Daddy designed to protect Eleanor. Because of their bond, the two see each other as father and daughter. The game has multiple endings based on the player's actions in the game. Eleanor's personality is greatly affected by what the player does.

Eleanor herself looks really cute. It is great that she has some barefoot moments in the series. :-)



  1. Check out Keira Metz from The Witcher 3, she is such and amazing character, and the best thing from her is that she is a full time barefooter.

    1. O.O Will try to look her up. Thanks for recommending her.

  2. I'm with you, I know very little of Bioshock.

    1. Yes... seems like an exciting series though.

    2. I'm not into first-person shooters.

    3. Me either but there are a few i make acceptations for

    4. Yes, there are a few exceptions.

  3. BioShock 2 is the best of the 3

    1. Yes for me BioShock 2 and its DLC Minervas Den was the best of the 3 games, much better game play, have a clear mission, and you feel for Elizabeth and the Little Sisters. When you hear a little sister scream you will Rush to safe her and turn whoever attacked her into paste

    2. :-D It definitely looks really fun.

    3. There is the BioShock collection, all 3 games plus DLC in one collection

    4. I got platinum in all of them in both PS3 and 4

    5. That's really impressive. I've never been able to platinum an FPS game before. It must have taken a lot of work.

    6. Of course it will take a lot of work and they are really hard to earn.

  4. Can’t wait to replace my stolen ps4 so I can start posting again��

    1. Oh wow ... sorry to hear about that Keychan. Hope that you are able to replace it soon.

    2. What's wrong with your PS4, Keychan?

  5. It got stolen by my so called friend
    This was in nh being their roommate I was always having. Issues with them. In the end I moved back to ga with family cause i was really gonna kill them for the stunt they been pulling. I’m kinda regretting coming To ga cause it’s impossible to get a job here

    1. That's terrible. :-( I'm sorry to hear about that.
