Sunday, July 29, 2018

Glasslip: Toko Fukami

Toko is the 18 year old daughter of a glass workshop owner, and she dreams of becoming a glass artisan. Her first impression of Kakeru was "David", as he reminds her of a statue named David. She also persuades all her friends to temporally take care of a chicken, called Jonathan.
Toko also has a hobby of drawing, as she is seen drawing Jonathan.


  1. A lot of people hated this anime due to how slow it was, sketchy plot and nonsensical ending. I don't hate this anime but it was SO boring and it put me to sleep.

    1. I don't care what people think about the anime.

    2. No, seriously. It is that boring. I don't care what you say about it.

    3. If that's the case then why did you comment on here?

    4. I had bad memories of the anime. Why you bother with this one?

    5. Because it had good foot focus on it

    6. My problem is that despite the foot scenes on the girls, the anime as a whole bored me to death.

    7. Well I haven't seen the anime yet so I don't know if it's boring I'm not going to take your opinion?

    8. Don't say that I didn't warned you once you start watching it because you will be disappointed.

    9. And how do you know I'm going to be disappointed what if I'm not disappointed.

    10. Because of how it fools your expectations. Don't expect anything excellent.

  2. Oh wow... very attractive girl. :-D

    1. I heard Glasslip is truly awful and I saw it years ago, I was bored of it since there was not much going on. Do you think that foot shots only matters to you?

    2. I think sometimes a good foot scene can redeem a bad anime for me. I haven't seen this one though so I don't know anything about it. I probably would have to find out more about it to decide it I want to see it. It seems like you don't recommend watching it though.

    3. Not really because despite how great it looks, the anime was not good in terms of story and pacing. But its lack of a clearly outlined plot and ambiguous ending, which isn't helped by the show's use of surreal imagery, laden with symbolism around teenage romance, friendship and the fleeting nature of youth. I barely finished it because it was so boring.

    4. Oh wow seems like a challenging watch. I don't know if I'll watch it. I think I'm content to just enjoy these images for now. :-)

    5. Ok. I managed to see it to the end and it put me to sleep.

  3. Exactly how boring or bad is this anime?

    1. You really believe is boring or bad
      There's only one bad anime in my book and that is one punch man

    2. Why is that? I personally did not care for One Punch Man at first.
