Thursday, July 12, 2018

Golden Time: Chinami Oka

Continuing with the Golden Time series, Here is a tribute Chinami Oka. ^_^ 
(Those are from various episodes of Golden Time including Episodes 4, 8, 9, 14, 15, 17, 19, 21)

Chinami is a really really sweet character. :-D She kindhearted and optimistic. She is a member of the film club and loves to film things with her video camera capturing both happy and sad memories. :-) She can be pretty playful but can get serious at certain moments. Despite her innocent looks, she knows how to stand up for herself when she needs to.  Koko starts off with an antagonistic relationship with Chinami at the beginning of the anime due to fact that the boy Koko is crushing on (Mitsuo) has feelings for Chinami. Chinami winds up getting nicknamed Miss Ultrasonic by Koko due to her high pitched voice. However Chinami's determination to befriend Koko ultimately wins her over and the two become really good friends.

I can understand why couldn't help but like Chinami. The character is so charming and lovable that that it is hard not to root for her. ^_^ She's really fun to watch on screen.

All right stime more Golden Time tributes ahead. Until next time everyone. :-)



  1. Replies
    1. Yeah sure is a very cute girl.

    2. :-D Yeah I definitely agree with you guys.

    3. Anime girls are always beautiful.

    4. Are they the prettiest girls in animation?

    5. Do you think you can create your own anime girl?

    6. How would she look in your imagination?

    7. I think I like girls with purple hair so I might make hair have purple hair. I think that she would also have a playful smile.

    8. I love girls with red hair so I would make her hair red and I want her to have soft skin, red eyes, pale skin, and have a nice personality who is can cook well and fight for herself. In fact, I did this after graduation from high school eight years ago. She has a playful smile during footy stuff.

  2. I'm still waiting for my other posts to have finish comments.

    1. I think they are finished now. :-)

    2. It amazed me to see somebody comment on all the posts here daily.

    3. How can you do those scheduled posts where they will automatically put onto this blog? Like if you had a bunch of posts you want to show but never had the time to do it manually.

    4. Go to the right side of a post. Click on Schedule and then select the date you want a post to go out.

      I use it for when I'm not going to be home on a particular day but still want a post to go out while I'm away.

    5. Also after you select the date click publish (forgot that part ^_^;)

    6. So click on Schedule, set a date you want a post to be released, and after selecting the date, click on Publish?

    7. Correct. ^_^

      Just remember that the Time on this site is set for the California Time Zone.

    8. Thanks to that, it saved me some time.
