Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Golden Time: Koko Kaga (Part 1)

I've been watching a lot of Romantic Comedy anime series lately (Toradora, Recovery of an MMO Junkie, Eromanga-Sensei, Masamune-Kun's Revenge, Golden Time and Clannad). Most of these shows have tributes on the site already but I did some capping for the remaining two. ^_^ Let's do Golden Time this week. :-)

The Golden Time anime actually has a lot of great foot scenes. The main female character Koko Kaga in particular shows off her feet quite a bit. :-D
(These were capped from various episodes of the Golden Time anime)

Golden Time is about a college student named Tada Banri who attends a university in Tokyo. He suffers from amnesia having accidentally fallen off of a bridge after high school and is unable to remember his past. At college he meets Koko, a fellow student who came to the university to stalk her childhood friend Mitsuo and convince him to marry her.  Banri is friends with Mitsuo and winds up falling for Koko himself. Banri and Koko ultimately wind up forming a romantic relationship with one another.

Koko is a really fun character.  Her family is really rich so she could sometimes be a little bit childish and spoiled but she has a good heart. When she falls for someone, she falls very hard. As a girlfriend she can be very sweet but can also be clingy and possessive of her crush. When she becomes Banri's girlfriend though, she shows that she would do anything she could for him. She is definitely a person that you would want supporting you. She's also really attractive as well. ^_^

Golden Time is a good anime to watch. It has a compelling storyline with some really sweet scenes. Compared with other rom-com anime series, the comedy and romantic scenes in this tend to be a little more subtle in favor of depicting these characters' lives. That said...there are some genuine laughs and dramatic moments in this series. The ending is one of the most touching moments that I've seen in an anime in recent memory. In addition to that I love the animation in the series. All the characters are drawn really well. ^_^

Sidenote: After this recent wave of series... I'm looking for some new Rom-Com animes to watch and cap in the process. Are there any Romantic Comedy animes that anyone recommends?

Ok everyone... that's all for now definitely more from this series and character to come though.

Until next time


  1. I've heard of golden times but never took the chance to which it.
    But great post KSC she really hot and very lovely feet to.

    1. Thanks Dean. It's a sweet series. :-)

    2. I'll give it to watch one day and I hope he gets an English dub to one day so I can watch it again

    3. Yeah I'm surprised that they haven't done an English dub for this series yet Dean. It seems like it is a pretty popular anime and seems to be on every list I've seen recommending Romantic comedies to watch.

      Sure Custom. It goes at a little bit of a slow pace but it has a very sweet storyline. :-)

    4. Another anime to pass the time.

    5. Yes, I just need to find it.

    6. :-) I think it is available on Kissanime. So far they only have the subtitled version though...they haven't done a dub for it yet.

    7. I don't mind the subbed version.
