Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Konosuba: Aqua

She's the main female protagonist, she's a goddess of water who judged humans and other living beings to send to the isekai world, up until Kazuma dragged her along with him. She has an energetic and inattentive personality who loves to receive reverence for her status, particularly from her Axis cult, and can get upset easily like a child would. Since she is an archpriest, she can easily take down demons, powerful monsters, and undead spirits with her water-type abilities and also purify things like dirty water to resurrect dead animals and humans but unfortunately despite her high stats in magic, her intelligence and luck are among the worst and she spends most of her skill points learning party tricks rather than use those points for learning skills which would benefit her party.


  1. 💖 Aqua. Konosuba is a great anime. Nice post Custom.

    1. It sure is an funny anime. I have one for Megumin but Darkness is a tough one due to the nude scenes.

    2. Oh yeah that's a tough one to post because the bath scene is difficult to censor. I'll help a bit. I'll cap the episode and send you the caps you can use for her.

    3. OK, do I need to post it to this blog?

    4. Just create a draft for now. ^_^

    5. All right... I see it. May take me a couple of days to tweak this one but I'll let you know when I'm set.

  2. Ok I think rest up for now guys. You'll both feel better later.

  3. Shame the nude parts had to be censored out to keep the blog active, but as long as they are barefoot showing soles ill be happy ☺

    1. Yeah, it's a real shame because of the whole family-friendly tone this blog had.

  4. she was so annoying, I like Megumin
