Sunday, July 15, 2018

Princess Nine: Yuki Azuma

Yuki is highly mysterious and quiet, possibly not even of this world. Never without her "alien" companion, Fifi, whom she keeps with her at all times, Yuki is nevertheless is a superb fielder who is always in the right place at the right time. Like Hikaru, she was also MVP of Junior High School Softball Competition in Kansai.


  1. Yuki is cute, isn't she? She was really depressed here, but by the end of these two episodes, she was happy again and much more social. Also, the other 5 girls on the team I mentioned in the Ryo Hayakawa post are all seen here. Seira is the red-head, Hikaru is the one with pigtails, Mao is the heavy one, Yoko is the blonde with tanned skin, and Kanako is the one with glasses.

  2. Wow awesome... She has some great scenes. :-D
