Sunday, July 22, 2018

Spiritual Successor

To all members of this blog, have you thought of creating an spiritual successor to Anime Feet or at least create an similar blog like this one? How long can you keep this blog up and running? What will happen if this blog gets defunct? Why do you support this blog and who are the original members prior 2010?


  1. Well to me a successor would be pointless seeing we’d end up doing the same thing here, also what could we do differently in a separate blog?

    1. GumballW, like the tone or less strict. What will do you if this blog is dead for real or at least, less active? Would you focus on males only? Would you also make a new blog focus on the things you love?

    2. Well I would definitely NOT resort to posting male feet, Maybe I would make a blog about Anime tummies since it's my second weaknesses other than feet

    3. OK, or how about Anime Girls, not just feet but their swimsuits or battle gears?

    4. who wants to see male feet? ewwww

    5. Lol but instead of feet how about a focus on other body parts? Like boobs big and small or butts or those with a really long tongue or we could do death battle stuff idk but the possibilities are numerous

    6. Yes, other body parts are accessible as long as it's female.

    7. Just out of curosity, but what's wrong with male feet? There IS a group of foot fetishists who are into male feet.

    8. But don't you think if an guys feet like our would be attractive, would that make us gay or homosexual?

    9. Honestly, I think that's up to you to decide. I'm not really into guys' feet, hell I feel uncomfortable wearing sandals or flip flops. But I do respect those, male or female, that ARE into male feet. That's like asking if it's lesbian or bisexual that a woman likes another woman's breasts IMO.

    10. To answer your question Custom 958, I don't think it matters if a guy likes another guy's feet. It's a matter of what you're into. Male or female, of you like the barefeet of your sex, good on you, live up to that.

    11. Noah, do you like feet from both genders?

    12. No. I prefer female feet over male. I just accept and tolerate that there are those who like male feet.

    13. This blog is focused on girls feet and has always been that way (I follow this blog since 2009 and that is the reason why I hated and opposed to the Stevennie entry, 'cause having gross facial hair is not a girl's trait), people with another tastes can freely create their own blogs for their own enjoyement.

    14. Trony, how would you create your own blog and what will be about?

    15. Well Trony, Stevonnie is still classified as a her

    16. Ok clearly no one in this blog has ever seen Steven Universe so let me explain

      Stevonnie is currently the shortest fusion in the series. They are taller than Amethyst and Pearl but are a few inches shorter than Garnet. They have an average/athletic build consisting of Connie's slim figure with Steven's chubby, stocky features, curly black hair that reaches to their thighs, and a complexion slightly darker than Steven's. As seen in "Jungle Moon", they can also grow facial hair, a trait acquired from Steven. Rebecca Sugar and Ian Jones-Quartey have stated that Steven and Connie's "ages combine" when they form Stevonnie, and that Stevonnie can grow more facial hair than Steven due to being biologically older. Stevonnie is considered to be very physically attractive, as both male and female citizens of Beach City seem to be in awe of their appearance. And even though they’re gender neutral and is technically both, Stevonnie looks more like a female and since all Gems are genderless but are labeled as she/her it’s more than likely most fans would label Stevonnie as a she

    17. I see. I never watched television that much. But I'm pretty sure this Stevonnie is an hybrid person.

    18. Still she's not a girl entirely. I only see SU because of Lapislazulli and the fact that she is a barefooter.
      And responding to your question Custom, if I had the time for running a blog, I would be focused on female feet from animation, live action and real life.

    19. Trony, you just want female feet no matter what.

  2. If I were to create a spiritual successor, I'd do another AnimeFeet blog, this time, focusing on the guys in both cartoons and anime. As to how long I can run it, it depends on if the team in charge is committed. If it goes defunct, I'd like to have a Plan B.

    I support this blog because I love animated feet and it takes me away from everything happening in the world.

    1. Why is that? It seems that whoever is responsible for this restriction should at least, explain their reasons or names.

    2. I believe with blog like this, whoever runs this MUST be into feet. They have to be open to all kinds of foot fetishism. They have to be passionate about doing a blog like this, otherwise people will catch on.

    3. What are your ways to keep the blog running?

    4. Other than show off content, I'd like to do a group on either Discord or Disqus for us fellow foot fetishists in animation. I'd also start discussions so I'd get to know all the members and make it feel like a safe place for us to interact.

    5. I see. Would you forcefully go with an family-friendly blog?

    6. One will be family-friendly like this one, the other will be NSFW.

    7. Like two versions of the same blog? Which one is the better one?

    8. Two versions. And the family-friendly one is the better blog.

    9. Yes. Both, will, of course, feature a variety of content, from screenshots, fanart, GIFs, etc.

    10. I see. I was wondering what will be your way of doing things.

    11. Glad you got to know how I'd run this. :)

    12. Really? I want to heard your thoughts.

  3. The only type of "spiritual successor" blog tothis one that I see is one dedicated to fan art and maybe fan fics.

    1. Then how would you run the blog in you took charge?

    2. I haven't run a Foot based blog in ages. I guess I would just focus on girls I like and be organized. A barefot cosplayer blog would be cool too.

    3. Yeah, like an blog called Cosplay Feet, focused on female cosplayers feet.

  4. Interesting idea, but doesnt seem practical. Think mirroring this blog would probably be better so in case for some reason this goes down we have it stored on another blog

  5. There are a couple of spin off sites that would be fun to do but I probably won't get a chance since just working on this site itself is a lot of work. I'd love to do a site devoted to POV kicks (not just from anime but real life as well). They are also two 2 sister sites that I am working on involving foot fetish fan fiction, another site involving tutorials and 2 others that are related to certain material I am planning to post in the future but I want them to be a surprise for you guys.

    I've been trying my best to protect the site, keep it safe enough and I cross my fingers that we won't lose it. I do have a couple of contingency plans if that winds up happening though. If it goes down I'll post a new link for the blog on Twitter or in my WDC account page.

    1. Are you saying that whoever responsible for this is your boss of this blog? Would you like to create an personal blog outside of feet and rather be your favorite things? I'm asking you these questions because I believe that it is only a matter of time before something seriously bad will pop up and end the blog in the near future.

    2. I am the blog's original poster Custom. I started this blog in 2007.

      I dare not speculate on the blog's longevity because I'm afraid I might jinx it. All I can do is take it one day at a time, hope for the best and try to be prepared in case the worst happens.

    3. And while on the subject, what makes you think something seriously bad will happen anyway?

    4. Noah, I seen blogs come and gone and they might be some domain names. Don't you feel worrisome?

    5. KingsSideCastle, why did you chose to start a blog?

    6. It was a good way to share pictures with my friends. ^_^

    7. Am I one of your friends, KSC? Do you feel worried on your blog's future?

    8. Yes. ^_^ No...I think it will be all right at least for awhile.

    9. For a while? Something crazy will happen in the future.

    10. :-) Sure at least over these past few months since I've met you. Let's hope not.

    11. I'm not saying this blog will die.

    12. KingsSideCastle, would you do an spinoff blog?

    13. Yeah I hope it doesn't die either.

      Maybe someday. :-)

    14. Really? Maybe one day, an follower would make a spinoff.

    15. Yeah I'm sure it could happen. ^_^

    16. Are you a huge fan of female feet?

    17. :-D I think you know the answer to that already... I am.

    18. How long had you been a fan of feet?

    19. A long time. I think since my teens or maybe even earlier than that.

      How about you?

    20. Since the third grade but I didn't know a thing about this fetish or why I love female feet, I didn't officially became an fan until the ninth grade.

    21. Was that a bad idea to tell you that?

    22. No. :-D That's fine. I don't mind.

    23. I'm new to blogging stuff and I somehow learn quite a bit on this one.

    24. I just wish my desktop is faster or can handle resolutions on newer sites. What kind of computer do you have?

    25. What operating system it has?

    26. Windows 10... It has Cortana as a personal assistant. :-)

    27. Wow, that Halo A.I. is a real thing now. I had an old desktop that runs Windows XP but my family had an newer desktop that runs Windows 8.1 but upgraded to Windows 10.

    28. :-D Yup. Oh nice so you have a current operating system now.

    29. Yes. I need something faster to post stuff.

  6. Im mostly into female feet but i have a soft side toward young Tarzan's feet from Elephant Stampede and Piranha when He feel in the water with a great shot of his legs and feet as he was descending quickly in the water. Other than that I'm all 99% into female feet 😍☺

  7. Is anybody familiar with Rekkit Rabbit?
