Sunday, August 19, 2018

Digimon Foot Festival

It is time for another foot festival but I decided to do something a little different for Digimon. Same rules still apply but this time, I will be covering both anime and video games since the game themselves don't have many female characters to choose from.


Digimon Adventure

Digimon Adventure 02

Digimon Tamers

Digimon Frontier

Digimon Data Squad

Digimon Fusion

Digimon Appil Monsters 

Video Games

Digimon World series

Digimon Story series


  1. Tricky to answer because I haven't watched this anime. As a kid I tended to watch Pokemon and Monster Rancher more.

    I have still seen the women in the original Digimon though and they look pretty cute so I would have to go with that one.

    1. I had never heard of Monster Rancher before even though I know Pokemon and Digimon as a kid.

    2. It didn't do as well as the other two animes. Only one season aired in the U.S and it only went for 3 seasons in Japan.

    3. Which probably explained why I don't remember watching it.

    4. Do you ever watch other Digimon series?

    5. How far are you in the Pokemon anime?

    6. How many seasons you seen in the Pokemon anime?

    7. I forgot. May was still Ash's partner when I stopped watching it.

  2. Digimon Adventure is the best and it's hard to chose between Sora and Mimi but maybe Mimi because she at least had more foot scenes unlike Sora's 1

    1. So the original Digimon series has the best girls to you.

    2. well I haven't seen the others outside the 1st one

    3. I watched all of them minus the Black and White, the 2nd half of XY and Sun and Moon. Basically it died for me when they denied Ash the Kalos league and not have Serena get together with him. I know that's the Status quo of the series because if Ash won and got a girlfriend the series couldn't continue but come on they we're foreshadowing this for a majority of the anime, built up our hopes and they crush it. Also Amourshipping was the only one made sense, Pokeshipping (AshxMisty) was originated from the dub NOT the original it was never a thing until Japan was like '' Hmmm maybe those Yankees were on to something'' May, Dawn or Iris had no interest in them and didn't try to force it. Ash and Serena knew each other when they were children, hell there were even small minor hints that Ash liked Serena back and did nothing with it. Also they could continue the series if Ash won a pokemon league, just go the Yu-gi-Oh! route and give us a new protaginist. Make it Ash and Serena's son and Ash gives him Pikachu so that they can still have there mascot problem solved. BUT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO THE STATUS QUO IS GOD F**K THE FANBASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    4. In other words, the XY series ended the same way like Arc-V did with a disappointing way.

    5. Well I have no idea what happened in Arc-V so I can't really compare the 2 I just thought they could've ended Ash's story in Kalos

    6. So to you, the Sun and Moon anime shouldn't happened.

    7. It should’ve given us a new protagonist instead of making Ash goofy again and making him look like Monkey D Luffy’s gimp brother.

    8. Admitting, you're right. 😄

  3. Sora and Mimi from Adventure, 02 and Tri.

    And Angie from Fusion.

  4. Zoe, Rika, Kari, and Mimi are my faves.

    1. Well, Zoe is a nice looking blonde, Rika got that strong tomboy personality, Kari is just a nice and sweet girl, and Mimi is fun to have around.

  5. Honestly, just sign me up for fun with Sora, Mimi, Angewomon Lillymon, and Yolei/Miyako from from Digimon Adventure and Digimon Adventure 02 respectively, Rika/Ruki and Jeri/Juri from Tamers, Zoe/Izumi and Ranamon from Frontier, and Yoshino from Savers, and I'm good. Don't know enough about the others to say anything.

  6. For me sora and ruki(rika) have the most beutiful feet and kari,yolei and mimi have the most cute feet(but i like the other ones too, aaaaaa so many feet and so many feet worships and tickles to do
