Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Konosuba: Megumin

She's one of the three protagonists, also known as an Arch Wizard of the Crimson Magic Clan in the Fantasy World, she is straightforward, who can speak in an old-style Japanese dialect. She can be very hyper and lively at times and has chuunibyou tendencies (much like Rikka from Love, Chunibyo and Other Delusions) like the rest of the Crimson Demon villagers. Despite her intelligence, she had little to no self-control like her ridiculous Explosive magic, since she can only use one Explosion per day before collapsing, she ends up wasting her magic on destroying random locations and fortresses for no reason. She has a calm and cheerful personality, but she can easily become aggressive when she feels slighted or challenged like her time with Yunyun.


  1. I love this post of Megumin. She's my favorite Konosuba character. But there is something I must correct about your bio you provided for Megumin. Its a big fact that many people overlook about Megumin, but she actually explodes random things for a reason. If she does not use explosion magic at least ONCE per day, she will die. It was stated both in her wiki bio and the anime. Just a fun fact. But still, good job on this post!

    1. Thanks for the warning, Brandon. How would do approach to Megumin's feet?

    2. I'd say for anyone who loves feet, a foot rub is the best approach when dealing with Megumin. She'd probably really enjoy one.

    3. OK, I would want Yunyun's feet because she is cuter. Do you think both her and Megumin have foot odor?

    4. Hmm I don't know they probably do. But Megumin doesn't seem like that type of girl.

    5. she is a chuunibyou, take anything she says like that with a grain of salt

    6. Wow really? Oh thank goodness I guess we don't have to worry about her not using explosion magic then. But I'll still keep an eye out in case

  2. Suggestions for Future Posts:
    A Lilo & Stitch Mega-Post featuring Lilo, Nani & Mertle with GIFs
    A Kim Possible HD Mega-Post with GIFs
    A Brandy Harrington Mega-Post with GIFs
    An extension of the Yuna Kamihara Post because there are still things missing
    A Last Airbender Feet GIF Compilation...

    1. Thanks for that, I will get Yuna Kamihara. Don't you think that so many GIFs could slow down old computers due to the high quality?

    2. Kim Possible, Lilo and Stitch, and Airbender have already been posted

  3. Replies
    1. Agreed. Her and this cute short-haired Guild waitress who is presently unnamed.


  4. Nude again? Gross!🤢🤮
