Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Shaman King: Anna Asakura

 Aggressive and decisive, Anna is a pragmatic person who appears cold and harsh. However, she has shown that she genuinely cares for those important to her, and truly loves Yoh. She is extremely dedicated to being "The Ultimate Shaman Queen" and wife to Yoh, the first friend that she ever had. She firmly believes that Yoh is destined to become the Shaman King, and believes her duty as his fiancĂ©e is training him extensively for it.  Anna loves Yoh, despite how badly she treats him - she told it to Oyamada Manta, and again to Silva. She became openly upset when it seemed Yoh would be killed by Tokageroh. Anna can be extremely possessive of Yoh, beating him up once when she thought that the Oracle Bell he brought home was another woman's pager. On several occasions, Anna shows little or no concern for Yoh when Yoh is participating in a battle, the reason behind this was later revealed to be because she truly loved Yoh and trusted him to succeed.


  1. Replies
    1. It was a good manga and show, but just like One Piece, it didn't get that popular in the West, thanks to 4Kids.

    2. So it is not worth watching because of 4Kids?

    3. Oh it's worth watching, but definitely not in the dub where they toned things down and used cringy dialogue.

    4. So stick with the subbed version of the anime?

  2. Why was her previous post from awhile back deleted?

    1. An guy named Trony had issues with this blog.

    2. No you’re thinking Bambino

    3. Trony and Bambino are not the same people GumballW.

    4. The post I'm reading says it was by Anonymous.

    5. It switched to anonymous after her removed himself from the site.

  3. Replies
    1. Do you remember watching this anime when it was new?

    2. I only saw bits of it when it came out on Fox Box during middle school but I never really watched it at all.

    3. I watched it on Fox originally too. :-) Enjoyed the series a lot.

    4. I guess I missed out on Shaman King.
