Saturday, August 25, 2018

Sword Art Online: Yui

Yui had become melancholic when the death game began, as she was not allowed to comfort players and was forced to continue monitoring their psychological parameters. When she finally, after nearly two years of only seeing insanity, misery, and anger, noticed a couple, expressing happiness and joy, she became overwhelmed with curiosity, which led to her ignoring the Cardinal System's command not to interact with players.

I check the draft


  1. I remember watching a youtube video who states the exact moment the anime became terrible was when she was introduced

  2. Cleared forgot to mention that Yui is really cute. ^_^

    1. Heard of ... yes. Watched it... no.

    2. I see. A lot of people had mixed reviews of this anime because of how insanely popular it is, so much that it got an live-action series, two movies, a bunch of video games, and spinoffs.

  3. in fact, as I understand it, yui becomes Kazuto's real daughter and asuna through an artificial body created with the help and research of Kazuto, Asuna's father and sonia, long after Kazuto and Asuna are married
    Asuna gives birth to her other daughter Yui's half sister named: Sachima

  4. in fact, as I understand it, yui becomes Kazuto's real daughter and asuna through an artificial body created with the help and research of Kazuto, Asuna's father and sonia, long after Kazuto and Asuna are married
    Asuna gives birth to her other daughter Yui's half sister named: Sachima
