Thursday, August 2, 2018

Tokyo Ghoul: re Seiko Yonebayashi

 Saiko Yonebayashi is a character from Tokyo Ghoul: re. She is a Rank 2 Ghoul Investigator as well as the deputy leader of the Quinx Squad?

This is all she had


  1. I love closeups on the soles and toes! She has cute feet.

  2. Thats pertty good for what shots they have on her feet. Cute girl and cute feet too. And I also took a quiz for tolyo ghoul characters and I was told I'd be her. I kinda fell off of Tokyo ghoul after season 2 ended cause I got confused on the second season with who was fighting who. Maybe I should pick it back up with the 3rd season.

  3. Yeah, her story's complicated. lol

    I feel like you cycle through every once a month, how have you been lately?

    1. I don't understand what your comment means.

    2. Terribly sorry for the confusion, I thought you were Stefan. It was late last night and somehow I didn't see your name and saw it as the other

      And in case you were confused the first thing I said, you'll know about her if haven't already.

  4. Replies
    1. Glad you liked it KSC.
      Custom, it's not that scary.

    2. Yeah it's actually kind of funny
      I can't guarantee you will like the third season not many people like that one.

  5. Do you have a gif of her in that last pic? :3
