Friday, September 7, 2018

D.Gray-Man: Lenalee

She's one of the main protagonists, an Exorcist and member of the European Branch of the Black Order. She was also the assistant Branch Chief of the European Branch and the younger sister of the Black Order's Chief Officer, Komui Lee. Her past with her older brother was terrible since their parents were killed by an Akuma and she was found to be an Accommodator, she was forcibly taken from her brother and she doesn't really remember her life before joining the Order. Later she met a boy who was being forcibly bonded with a shard of Innocence by Hevlaska, becoming an Fallen One and because of that, she was horrified by Innocence itself and tried to escape from the Order but failed to do so after many times, these incidents became the source of Lenalee's negative feelings towards the Inspector. Her personality is nice and kind hearted to her friends, treating them as her new family and can get angry and frustrated when something seriously bad happens to them or if they take risks. Her Innocence is called Dark Boots, an equipment-type weapon where her ankle boots are unwrap to her knees and a green stripe is shown down her leg from the top to the bottom and a green energy is emitted from her ankles, giving her acrobatic skills with her kicks, later, they were destroyed after her battle against an Level 3 Akuma. These pictures are from episodes 96, 97, and 101, I am saving a follow-up on Lenalee later on the final two episodes of the first series. 



  1. I miss her old hairstyle, but this one grew on me after awhile since it symbolizes growth.

    I've been super patient with the manga for the last few years, but sadly it's been taking the Berserk and Hunter X Hunter Treatment, only it's worse because it'll sometimes be 5 to 9 pages each month.

    1. Yeah, I know. The manga took many hiatuses. I do like her old hairstyle and her short hair reminded me of Saya from Blood +.

  2. Oh wow... she is hot!! Great scenes of her. ^_^

    1. Yeah. I like Lenalee and she's really cute and I got aroused to her legs and feet.

  3. I've heard of this show but never took the chance to watch it.
    Man she hot and gorgeous feet to.

    1. I managed to saw the rest of the anime when Funimation got the second half.
