Monday, October 29, 2018

SSSS.Gridman: Akane Shinjo 2

Here's more of Akane. If there's any more of her in the future of this anime, I will post it. This is from the third and fourth episodes.
Episode 4
An Piece of Animation
For an busty antagonist, she loves to be barefoot at home, I want to do plenty of things with her feet (tickling, smelling, massaging, licking, play "This Little Piggie", and more).   


  1. Wow... she is really putting out an amazing set of foot scenes. ^_^ Nice to see a footsie scene in an anime. :-)

    1. Akane has a lot of foot pictures and she had a thing of being barefooted. There are plenty of people who want to see more of her feet.

    2. Of course. Her feet is one of the reasons that some people are still watching the anime.

    3. :-) I'm really tempted to watch this series now.

    4. You can on Crunchyroll. Also, another girl who has good socked feet, her name is Rikka Takarada. Akane is more of an barefooted person.

    5. Even the fact, more foot pictures of Akane coming in rapid succession, expect more posts of her coming from me in next month and December.

    6. Well, the anime itself was a nice mecha series from Trigger and Tsuburaya. It comes out on Saturdays.

  2. >"tickling, smelling, massaging, licking, play 'This Little Piggie', and more"

    Yeah, that's pretty much what I wanna do with any pair of cute feet, TBH. XD
