Friday, November 30, 2018

Entrance Theme Music for Barefoot Girls Club Members

I've got a fun little idea here to compliment my previous post. If your club members attended a convention, TV interview or panel discussion etc, they should all have entrance theme music they come out to when they're introduced. Just like they do on WWE or Impact Wrestling. In this post just list your club members, and what their entrance themes would be, whether they're one of that character's image songs, or something entirely different. Right now, I'll tell you all of mine for the members of the Zubon Hadashi Girlfriends. I have these all on CD, but since we can't upload audio files here on Blogger, I'll provide links to videos of them on YouTube.

Haruka Kaminogi's theme is Subarashiki Sekai (Wonderful World) performed by eufonius. They performed the opening theme, Idea, to her series, Noein. I chose that because Haruka's seiyuu, Haruka Kudo, did not do any image songs for her in Noein. Although, she does sing, and has image songs for some of her other characters in different series. Listen to it here

Sora Takenouchi's theme is Sora Iro no Kaze (Sky-Blue Wind) performed by her seiyuu, the late, Yuko Mizutani. Listen to it here.

Tamao Tamamura's theme is Hana Hoshi Sora (Flower Star Sky) performed by her seiyuu, Nana Mizuki. Listen to it here.

Erika Amazake's theme is Yappari Kimi ga Suki! (Still, I Love You!) performed by her seiyuu, Eri Sendai. That's the ending theme to the Japanese version of her series, Medabots. Listen to it here.

Hime Utsumiya's theme is In My Dream performed by Eri Shingyoji. That's the opening theme to her series, Brain Powerd. Hime's seiyuu, Akino Murata, apparently does not sing. Listen to it here.

Nayuta Moriyama's theme is TAKE performed by her seiyuu, Romi Park. That's the opening theme to her series, Shingu, and it was originally performed by singer, KAKO, but Romi did her own version of it on a special CD. Listen to the KAKO version here.

Frances's theme is Hikaru Michi (The Shining Road) performed by Aya Hiroshige. That's one of the ending themes to her series, Sonic X. Frances's seiyuu, Yuka Shioyama, apparently does not sing either. Listen to it here

Sarah Goodman's theme is Kirakira (Glitter) performed by Manabi Mizuno. That's the 2nd ending theme for the Japanese version of her series, Flint the Time Detective. Sarah's seiyuu, Nana Mizuki, is a singer, and she did sing as Sarah in a couple of songs in the series, but not alone. I could have chosen one of Nana's many other songs, but because she has the same seiyuu as Tamao, I decided to switch it up a little. On top of that, in the ending animation for Kirakira, Sarah is centrally featured, so I thought it was a perfect fit. Listen and watch it here

As always, remember to have fun with this, and choose the best themes for your club members. Happy Holidays everyone!


  1. Nice set of theme songs Dan. :-) I think they fit your characters.

    I don't know what I would pick for my club members. The Fire themed characters (Sailor Mars, Flannery, Azula) are easy enough. Mars technically already has her own theme from the Sailor Moon anime but any of those three could easily use a fire themed song like C'mon Baby Light my fire or This girl is on fire. Supergirl would probably go with the Superman theme or This is my flight song (which was used to advertise her series). One call away is another good one.

    Ino is hard. I have to think of a mental type of song that would fit her. She has a theme song in Naruto which is pretty nice.

    Ayane... Have to look for Ninja type of song for her to use. She does have her own theme in the games though called "Shade"

    Sophitia has her own set of theme in the Soulcalibur games called "Wings of Faith" and "Fearless Eyes"

    Cassandra similarly has the themes "Unwavering Resolve" and "Burning Mansion"

    1. Ooh, all good choices. If someone has their own image song, it's usually the best choice. For Rei/Sailor Mars, Fire Soul Love would be the qunitessential choice, but you could always alternate.

    2. Yeah Fire Soul Love is a good one for Rei. :-)

  2. I'm not good on selecting songs for girls but I'll give it a try.

    For Serena/Usagi Tsukino as Sailor Moon is the main opening theme "Moonlight Densetsu" by Dali and Misae from the first two seasons because of how iconic the song is to many fans and myself as a kid, in her normal self will be a song that is silly and girly to match her ditzy personality like "YPMA GIRLS".

    Inori Yuzuriha's theme from Guilty Crown will be "Euterpe" by EGOIST because of how soft and angelic Chelly's singing voice is, it can ease the soul after a very stressful time.

    Minako Ano's themes will be something both love and athletic like "Sirius" by Eir Aoi or "Hearts Goes On" by Ikeda Aya for her Sailor V outfit.

    Rei Hino's themes are fire-based so it will be "Night of Fire" by Niko, "Fire" by Mega NRG Man, "Disco Fire" by Dave Rodgers, "C'mon Baby Light my Fire" and her own theme from Sailor Moon Crystal.

    Pyra/Homura from Xenoblade 2 will have a insert song will be something awesome and strong-willing, so it will be "Bright Burning Shout" by Takanori Nishikawa.

    Artoria Pendragon a.k.a. Saber from Fate/stay night will be the same in the original visual novel.

    Noel Verillion from BlazBlue will have the same song from the third main game, Chrono Phantasma.

    As you can see, I am terrible at picking the right songs for some of my barefooted female characters since some of these characters have their own insert songs.

    1. Don't think of it as terrible. There are no wrong answers here. You want to switch it up and pick different songs, all the more power to you. Personally, I think you did pretty good.

    2. Really? Thank you, Dan. I am not a music fan so this is something new.
