Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Marvel Feet

In honor Stan Lee's legacy from his passing that has happened yesterday, I decided to make a Marvel post of the heroines which is where you tell me who do want to be with and how would you worship or pamper their feet. As a guy who never grew up with comics, it's painfully to see a legend like Stan Lee lost his life after fighting his illness called pneumonia. I do remember playing several Marvel video games like Spiderman and X-Men along with the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies like the Avengers, Spiderman, Iron Man and X-Men. 
Here are some of my favorite picks of the Marvel girls:
As an manga reader and longtime anime watcher, I regret missing out on comics from both Marvel and DC in general because they are a bit cool in my opinion with their own styles. I pray for Mr. Lee for a happy life in heaven. If you missed out on GumballW's post, check that out as well on his list of favorite Marvel heroines.

For more on Marvel Female Feet, check these posts out from KingsSideCastle, GumballW, and more. KSC is a huge comic book fan, ask him for advice on certain superheroes he knows. GumballW, I am sorry for being harsh yesterday because the bad news just came out of nowhere for me.


  1. I wish you could've grew up with both as well, it's nice to have some variety in stuff we read and watch.

    My parents got me into anime,wrestling, and comics growing up, mainly my Dad who'd constantly get me to sit down and some of the shows with him and teach me how to read through his old comics.

    1. I see. My grandmother got me into video games.

    2. Cool, you have young grandmother too?

    3. Well, she is old and sweet but sadly passed away on Memorial Day 2004.

  2. My favorite Foot Heroine: Ms. Marvel. Because her feet are so beautiful despite her feet growing ability. When her barefeet gets big, I would sniff her whole feet and snuggle it. ^w^

  3. Great post Custom. :-D Some of these pictures are new to me. O.O Love the panel where Mary Jane's boot crashes through the ceiling. ^_^

    1. OK, I'm sorry to bring this up after what happened yesterday, I rarely talk about comics and more on manga these days. I just hope GumballW would like this post and the picture with the giant female feet I added in for him.
