Thursday, November 1, 2018

Poll 83 Results

Well the 83rd Poll of the Month has come to an end. After a Whopping 439 votes... Here are the results
It look like Orube was able to blast her competition with this one. With 137 votes she proved to be the favorite of these W.I.T.C.H. characters. In second place was the Leader of the team Will and Cornelia managed to claim 3rd place. Don't feel too bad for the rest of these girls. They all proved to have foot fans of their own and none of them scored less than 14 votes. :-D

As always. I want to give a tremendous Thank You to everyone for voting and sharing their opinions and I'll try to keep them in mind for the future. I'll see if I can find some more images of Orube to share with you guys. There is also a post from earlier showing her comic book images and Artwork. I

This month might be a little quiet on my end but I do have some really exciting posts planned. I also have a new poll planned for this month that may or may not be up by the time you read this. ^_^

On that note... more to come soon everyone. :-)


  1. As for my own personal favorite, that would be Will. :-D I like that redheaded W.I.T.C.H. a lot. Orube is cool too though being a martial artist who goes barefoot a lot. Actually all of them are great characters. :-D

    Anyway Great voting Everyone. ^_^

    1. It's nice that this series got some love but I was wondering how can you keep going with these polls every month? Why do you think that it is fun to do them without running out of ideas? Why can you do something a little different for once?

    2. :-D It is fun to see which characters people like out of each group. Heh heh hopefully I'll be able to make to 100 without running out of ideas.

    3. How about 1000 or more? How did you keep going like this?

    4. If we go at the rate of 1 poll a month. 1000 polls would take 83 years to complete. That's quite a lofty goal.:-)

    5. I hope you can live long enough to reach that goal. Because someday, you will give your blog to somebody who has a burning passion for female feet.

    6. Sure I don't what the future holds but that would be a good outcome. :-)

    7. You wanted to think about the present.

  2. Orube is indeed a fine barefoot martial arts gal, but my fave in this list is Hay Lin. Just like her sweet and energetic personality.

    1. :-D That's a nice favorite. Hay Lin is a great character.

  3. Can't wait to see future repost of W.I.T.C.H.
    I'm really shocked that Will got 2nd, who's Grube?

    1. :-D Yeah it was a surprise for me too.

      Orube was a replacement member of the team for a period of time when Taranee left the group. Sadly the cartoon didn't cover the section of the comic where she appears because it took place after the WITCH cartoon ending. She uses martial arts and is barefoot quite a bit.

  4. Oi, I'm surprised three of my fav babes of the Witch would win all the place...thats my kind of Jackpot right there.

  5. Replies
    1. Yep, Winx has some great foot scenes, espefiallt the later seasons. Too bad they don't walk around barefoot more often. :(
