Thursday, November 8, 2018

Starting now on every single one of my drafts.

 I'm putting the date on every single one of my drafts so it won't get stolen or taken because this is the second time one of my drafts being taken.


  1. And there should not be no more fights then.

    1. OK. But also, please label or place tags on your posts so people would find them easier and recognize you were the one who posted them, OK? I hate making posts only to be taken away from me at the start.

    2. Same here that's why it's come to this because my drafts that i did first i can't do them now.

    3. I already drafted Sato Matsuzaka

    4. point being I drafted her on 10/11/18 you did on 11/3/18

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Can you tag or label your work to make it more accessible?

    7. I keep telling him that i'm not trying to fight but he's not listening to me.

    8. Well, he doesn't like to do that. I did told him that too because some of the posts I cannot find on this blog.

  2. What you guys meed to do is to make sure is to check before you create a draft and check before you update. Check, check and check again. Most of these fights are starting because people aren't checking the drafts carefully enough.

    If you see someone working on a post that you were already doing... don't update yet. Instead let me know so I can deal with the problem when there is evidence of it.

    1. Another problem is that some of you guys do not label or tag your stuff in order to find them easier. Like I was not aware on certain drafts are being made by other people.

  3. In terms of Happy Sugar Life Dean. I have to clarify what I said because you didn't listen to me carefully enough. I told you to let Gumball have that character for now. If there was additional material for her than you can do a follow up post. Delete the draft. Let's see what material he collects for her. Then decide whether you want to follow up on her or not. ^_^;
