Friday, November 16, 2018

Yozora Mikazuki (Figure)

Continuing with the weekly Figure Tributes, this week's model is the lovely swimsuit model of Yozora Mikazuki from Haganai aka Boku Wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai known in English as I don't have many friends.
Yozora actually has some really good foot scenes in her anime as well as showcased in this earlier tribute to her from GumballW

Model Specs
Boku Wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai Yozora Mikazui Swimsuit figure
1/7 Scale
PVC Material
Released by Alphamax

I don't really have a lot to say on this one. This model definitely makes her look incredibly cute. :-)

Hope you all have a good weekend and as always... more to come soon. ^_^


  1. Hey what happen with the mase girl post?

    1. I think it was already drafted and the two contributors decide to collaborate among themselves to bring that series to us. It should be back again in the near future.

    2. I will post Maze in January of next year so please be patient.

    3. Yes, KSC is right. That was my bad. I'll do another post of a different character again soon. And also look forward to another Maze character, Randy the fairy, who is always barefoot. She's my favorite character from Maze.

    4. Oh, BTW, Yozora is very lovely. I just wish she was a little less anti-social. I have a few figures too, I should do posts for them too.

    5. I don't see nothing wrong with her personality.

    6. In my opinion that's not a reason not to like her. But okay if you say so.

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. She doesn't care what no one thinks about her. what makes her uncool accept her personality?

  2. I always enjoy girls wearing red swimsuits and their feet.
