Saturday, December 8, 2018

Star Ocean Foot Festival

The first Foot Festival of December is here and let's take a look at Star Ocean, an RPG series from tri-Ace and Square Enix with a sci-fi fantasy setting and real-time battles. Same rules still apply here. This is one RPG franchise I am less familiar with since it felt like it came out of nowhere for me. So don't ask me for more of this series due to lack of knowledge.

Star Ocean

Star Ocean: The Second Story

Star Ocean: Till the End of Time

Star Ocean: The Last Hope

Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness

Star Ocean: Anamnesis 


  1. I think you probably meant to add a body to this post Custom but I know the gist. My favorite Star Ocean female characters are Sophia Esteed, Nel and Maria from Star Ocean Ex and Celine from Star Ocean the second story.

    1. Sorry that I left this blank because I forgot about this post and my memorization can be limited at times. Don't hate me for this. As for Star Ocean, I have no idea what it is about other than it is another RPG series.

    2. Oh... it's fine. It is a good series to pick. I've only played Star Ocean Till the End of Time Director's Cut and watch the anime that was based Star Ocean Second Story. Enjoyed both a lot. ^_^

    3. Why you don't see any games from the Star Ocean series that often nowadays?

    4. I think they take a long time to develop because they pack a lot into them. Star Ocean Second Story had 86 possible endings.

    5. That many multiple endings? It will take seemingly forever to finish.
