Sunday, January 27, 2019

2019 Columns Revealed

First off I just want to congratulate everyone an amazing 2018. Last year we collectively released over 1000 posts and had a record number of views. A Huge thank you to everyone for posting and visiting the site last year. This year looks like it will be even more exciting. As promised last week her are the Foot related columns that will be released this year. All of these will be in addition to or tie in with the picture tributes we showcase.  ^_^

Ranger of the Month - I previewed this in October with the Pink Ranger Kimberly... it will be back again with some more female rangers. :-)

Tools of the Trade - New Tips for bloggers. Screen Capping tutorials. It should be some fun stuff.

The Hit List - About 10 tributes left to go. Will it be finished this year?

Top 10 lists - I've done a couple of these in the past as have other posters on the site. More to come this year. :-)

Great Escapes - A New Column highlighting woman using their feet to escape a challenging situation. Don't underestimate the resourcefulness of a barefoot. ^_^

Figure Feet Fridays - It back for season two. Several more figures to showcase this year. :-)

Foot Festivals - Continuing from last year, Custom set up several new discussion posts talking about women in various anime, cartoon and game series. Some exciting chats to come.

Real Life Anime Feet - Heretichero originally created this column in 2013. I'm hoping to revive it with some new sets.

Heel Turns - What happens when a Heroine goes bad? Find out in this exciting series.

Writing Spotlights - This column showcasing foot fetish stories online will be back. Along with some new stories and chapters to showcase.

Weekly Fanart Showcase - A column highlighting Fanart recommended by Stefan.

World Tour: Foot Fetishist - A new column highlighting animation from outside of Japan from Custom 958.

They'll be a couple of other surprises as well. ^_^ A lot of good stuff to coming up.

That's all for now guys but now its time for you to sound off. What projects are you looking forward to seeing? What characters would you like to see posted this year? For the posters here... Are there any additional columns you guys are working on that you want me to mention? Any projects that you are excited for us to see?



  1. And lets not forget Weekly Fan Art Showcase

  2. Thanks for mentioning the Foot Festival series, KingsSideCastle. I had another project in the works, this one will be about animated series made outside of Japan like Korea and China, it is called "World Tour: Foot Fetishists" or just called it "Footsie/Tootsie World", where I showcase feet from girls in any form of animation.

    1. Sounds like an awesome series Custom. Really excited to see it.

    2. Yeah, the Flowering Heart post I did was a sample of that project. I don't know if I can find more but I'll try since other than the US and Japan, there are plenty of countries that make animated shows.

    3. Just need to work on how to do it.
