Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Ashigei Shoujo Komura-san: Chapter 6 Highlights

Welcome back to the modern Foot Fetishist's manga. Today, we will be with Komura in the library and carried her foot skills with us. But would this be the chapter where she crossed the line with her feet? Let's find out!
 "Screw you, Librarian!"  
"Don't panic, Komura!"
"Komura, calm down!"
"Footsie Time!"
Komura showcases yet another way to use her feet but she crossed the line this time.
Footwriting: Similar to handwriting but with her feet instead.
Has Komura reached her peak? Will she accept the school rules and use her hands instead after being temporarily banned from the library? Find out next time at the school pool on Ashigei Shoujo Komura-san!