Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Death March to the Parallel World Rhapsody: Pochi, Tama, Liza

Here's a trio of barefooted slave girls from this isekai series, Liza is my favorite because of how cute she is and she's a redhead. They debuted in episode 2. Pochi is the dog-like demi-human who fights with a sword and shield, Tama is the cat-like demi-human who fights with dual knives, both are 10-years-old and Liza is the oldest of the three, she is the lizard-like demi-human who is 18 and fights with a spear made a monster's regenerating blade by Satou. All three of them were freed by Satou while exploring the dungeon labyrinth. These are from Episodes 2, 3, 4, and 5.
Here are some pictures I forgot to put in here...


  1. Really liked Liz, but that anime/manga is so slow. At least 80% of it was them cooking something

    1. I understand since it felt like another mediocre isekai series.

  2. Replies
    1. It's about a guy named Ichiro Suzuki, a gaming programmer, who was tasked with fixing several bugs in two MMORPGs his company is preparing for publication. Upon sleeping, he mysteriously woke up inside another fantasy RPG world as a 15-year old named Satou Pendragon, a nickname he used while running beta tests, and with what looks like the menu screen of the game he was working on appearing before his inner eye. After defeating some lizardmen, his stats were maxed out and had no way to return to the real world, and as a extremely high-leveled adventurer armed with a myriad of different physical, cognitive and magical abilities and weapons but he hid it, he sets out to uncover the secrets of the new fantasy world.

  3. Got a tip

    Garden of Sinners
    Episode 6
    22:45 - 23:30
    Azaka Kokutou and Ryougi Shiki

  4. Replies
    1. Cool is not the right word for this anime because it gets really boring later on.

    2. Of course, don't expect anything that awesome because it can bore you.
