Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Favorite Kingdom Hearts Girls

Since Kingdom Hearts III is out now, tell me what are your favorite girls in Kingdom Hearts, what do you want to do with their feet and why. I'm speaking for a non-fan point of view so I hardly know these characters outside the Disney ones. So please tell your impressions of the franchise over the years.


  1. Kairi, Naminé and Selphie. Who could not love those big feet that they have.

  2. It is a tough choice if you take the Final Fantasy and Disney girls into account. For the original characters. I would have to go with Larxene because she's a dominating villainess. I like Kairi and Aqua too though.

    1. Some of the girls do not get much attention like the boys.

    2. Almost non of them do. KH is mostly a shonen series. I mean, look at Kairi. That girl didn't do much in the entire series.

    3. I heard Aqua had more attention in Birth by Sleep. Most of the girls don't get much attention too.

  3. I have the game myself I cant wait to get some shots of rapunzel feet.

    Also I freaking love kairi and yuffie and selphie...ok I like yuffie for her butt more than her feet but this isent anime feet and butts
