Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Softest Soles (Foot Queen Awards 2019)

Here's one of my favorite categories: Which of these girls has the softest soles from the time they lotion and moisturize their feet with tender care and love? You got until the 21st to vote, I will show the results after the poll is closed.  


  1. :-D Ino is definitely my favorite. I don't know if she would have the softest feet out of these women though. Maybe Bloom because she has some magic enchantments that could make her feet soft.

  2. Replies
    1. Why because she might be real good with with her feet is one episode of Naruto series was she is practicing and water a very special move. and and because I'm more comfortable with Hinata I mean Ino okay

    2. I do like Hinata more than Sakura and she is cuter too.

    3. Yeah she is way cuter I hate when I hear people say she looks like a boy when she was younger she does not look like a boy. I don't see how anyone could mistake her from neji I can see the difference how can I see the difference it's all in the hair color.

    4. Me neither. She is an girl after all. Tomboys are always mistaken as boys.

    5. I would too since she will be relaxed.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. Come on are you serious already have that girl from that time I got reincarnated as a slime.

    8. I was saying that I already have that character.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. So when will the Transformers Poll be finished?

    1. Should be pretty soon. :-) Just wanting for me friend to close it out and give the results. ^_^

      Probably no poll of the month for January. However they'll be some exciting Foot Award polls all month long so it should be fun. :-)

    2. I will add more polls later this month.
