Thursday, February 21, 2019

Ashigei Shoujo Komura-San: Chapter 10 Highlights

Here we are, another chapter, another way for Kmoura to show off her foot skills to us foot fetishists. In this chapter, we will be going through how Komura shops around stores.
Foot Control Abilities Komura Showcased this Chapter:
Superhuman Toe Grip - Using her toes, Komura was able to hold on to things without dropping them (similar to an person holding onto stuff with the hands).
Weapon Specialist - By using any weapon like a whip with the combination of Toe Grip, she can hit her target if she has good precision as demonstrated by cutting an pair of the rose off of Tsukinaga's month with the whip.
I wanted to say this: Crack that whip with those tootsies, Komura!
The next chapter will be on walking Komura home from school, will we see her family and her female siblings to show off their foot control abilities? The Foot Fetish Saga continues, next time on Ashigei Shoujo Komura-san!


  1. :-D Nice. This chapter was really fun. Lucky Tsukinaga getting her foot in his face.

  2. Wage your begs on what will happen next with Komura.
