Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Ashigei Shoujo Komura-San: Chapter 8 Highlights

It is time to showcase another Komura manga chapter. This is a fun one involving the Foot girl teaching Tsukinaga to swim. Komura is a great teacher knowing just the right way to encourage her "boyfriend" to feel comfortable with the water. As you can imagine... there's a lot of Komura in a swimsuit this post as you'll see below. :-D
In order to encourage Tsukinaga to open his eyes underneath the water when they are practicing swimming. Komura uses her feet to sign some numbers to him. 
:-D I think just like that opening his eyes underwater suddenly became all the more tempting for 
Once again she's shown to have amazing foot control. ^_^
Komura then develops a game to help her friend increase his mobility in the water. ^_^ The goal of the game is that Tsukinaga has to touch her feet.
Talk about incentive. I bet all of us would learn to swim really quick if she offered us that particular prize. :-D
It is actually quite a bit challenging for Tsukinaga because Komura is quite an impressive swimmer.
She even had long range foot attacks she was using to keep her classmate from closing in on her. ^_^
I was looking at the raw version of the above panel and somehow the subtitled panel shows off more of Komura's sole than the untranslated version did. Massive props to the scanslation team for this series. ^_^
You have to give Tsukinaga a lot of props for narrowly managing to come out on top in this scenario cleverly using a boogie board to close the distance. ^_^ 
(Various caps from this week's chapter. ^_^ Special Thanks to the Legendary Master of Sole Shots Match25 for this)

More of Komura's feet can be found using the Komura label below:

As usual there were quite a few foot skills Komura was using this chapter which combined with her impressive swimming abilities made for some pretty awesome aquatic moves. Seeing her demonstrate her abilities in the pool I felt like I was watching a water ninja in action complete with Ninja signs and Tidal Wave attacks. ^_^    

Foot Control Abilities Komura Showcased this Chapter:
Foot Signing - Using her toes, Komura was able to sign out numbers underwater to Tsukinaga.
Precision Splashing - By squishing her feet together against the surface of the water, Komura was able to squirt water at her opponent's direction using her feet like a water gun. 
Whirlpool Creation - Spinning her legs around in a similar motion to Chun Li's helicopter kick. Komura was able to create a whirlpool in the water forcing Tsukinaga away from her.
Foot Scissor - With her legs and feet wrap around her crush. Komura took the opportunity playfully to execute a scissor hold against him giving him a nice squeeze to close out the chapter.

This is probably the most playful that I've seen Komura behave in the series. She actively goes out of her way to tease Tsukinaga and plays with him quite a bit doing her best to make learning to swim a fun experience for him. It was really sweet. ^_^

Judging from the next chapter description for this series. It looks like Chapter 9 is going to introduce a new rival for Komura as many of you predicted would happen. That should be pretty exciting to see. :-) I wonder what the new character will be like. ^_^

On that note... as always more to come soon!


  1. So you're going to do more of this manga? I feared my posts are not good as yours.

    1. From time to time I think. :-) No you did some really spectacular posts for her. I was only tagging in this week. I hope you continue to do her too.

    2. OK. The next chapter should be mine to take. But I need to make my own posts as good as yours otherwise they would look poorly made compared to your own posts.

    3. So you're letting me do the rest of this manga?

    4. Sure. Maybe I'll dive in from time to time though but probably pretty rarely.

    5. On occasion I think. Usually if I see you're in the process of making a tribute for her though... I'll probably defer to you.

    6. All right. Maybe I might do that in the future.

    7. These chapters are coming in fast.

    8. I don't know if the two can keep up.

    9. Would you make a story with that title, "King's Foot Love"?

    10. If you do, then what will it be about?

    11. Maybe my favorite female characters.

    12. I think you know at least one of them. ^_^

  2. Also, this new rival would double the footy fun, KSC.

    1. Yes... I wonder what the rival will be like. ^_^

    2. You're betting on an new girl?

    3. Hopefully a lot of interesting female characters with cool foot abilities in this.

    4. Maybe just one because it would hard to keep track of a lot at once.

    5. I guess it depends on how long the manga goes on. ^_^

    6. Yes, I don't know if this is going to last more than 30 chapters.

    7. Then I guess we just enjoy the chapters that we got. I hope it goes on for longer though.

    8. I wish the chapters were longer too since they are really short.

    9. :-) I'm just happy they've been released weekly so far.

    10. I don't know if you want to keep going.

    11. Hopefully the series goes on for a long time.

    12. Just don't have it like over 250 chapters like any long running series because it's going to be a drag.

    13. It depends on how creative the team working on this manga is. So far they are doing an amazing job.

    14. Yes, quality might suffer a bit at times.

  3. This girl keeps being more impressive each issue.
