Monday, February 18, 2019

List of Iconic Foot Shots (Cartoons)

List the foot scenes or shots you know in cartoons that are unforgettable and iconic to all fetishists. From the character herself and the description of her feet.


  1. Best 2 I can think of (and best ones overall) are April O'niel getting her foot tickled by Don Tortelli (a cool guy) and that Mega Mega iconic scene in the Little Mermaid,when Ariel first discovers that she has legs.

  2. Wallykazam. There's a character in that show named Gina Giant and she's always barefoot.

  3. Azula pedicure in Avatar is one of my favorites.

  4. I say the Library episode of Avatar The Last Airbender when Toph has her feet place on the table and we see the bottom of her soles.

  5. I never really knew I like dirty soles until I saw her's.

    1. Would you want more dirty soles?

    2. I would like to see more, I mean, Magi has done that very well in a few scenes.

  6. Way back when TV Tropes used to not worry about objectionability, the trope "Foot Focus" had a surprisingly old one, from 1960s cartoon "The Perils of Penelope Pitstop". In typical cartoon fashion, our hapless heroine is tied up in a precarious place and some insanely heavy object is tied to her feet, and she escapes danger by slipping out of her boots.
