Thursday, February 7, 2019

My Guessing Game

Here's a little game based on Dan's post, but in my version, I will pick some foot shots from various anime and you have to guess where each of them came from. No, don't ask me any questions on them, because even I don't know (no joke) whose feet are those. This is something you must figure out for yourself.
Here are the foot shots:
As for the answers, I might tell you some at a later date. Good Luck, everybody!


  1. OK, I know one of them's from SAO, I believe that's Asuna.
    As for the rest, IDK.

    1. Yeah the same for me. That's the only one I could identify as well.

      Good set Custom. :-)

    2. Wow, you guys don't know any of these girls asides Asuna. I bet I did a good job with this game.

    3. Hopefully, someone can figure them all out.

    4. Wow, you've stumped me. I don't recognize any of these.

    5. Wow, really, Dan? I wonder why.

    6. Probably because they're from anime I've never seen.

    7. Ok. Maybe you can see any of them.

  2. 7th pic : I believe we can pretty much recognize Asuna's foot from that one scene with the tentacle monsters
    8th pic : If I ain't mistaken, this is Erica from Campione
    9th : That one is from Guilty Crown or Gear, I don't know which. I think it's the mother of the guy.
