Sunday, September 1, 2019

Chihayafuru: Chihaya Ayase, Part 1 of 4

Chihaya is the protagonist of Chihayafuru.  She is captivated by the card game 'Karuta' (sometimes spelled 'Caruta'); the game involves being the quickest to get to a card with a poem written on it when a reader speaks the poem.  Introduces to Karuta from her childhood friend Arata.  She can be an airhead at times and her grades suffer do to her obsession with becoming the Queen of Karuta, but she is also extroverted, easy going (except for Karuta), and hardworking and ambitious.  She also has extremely good hearing  that gives her an advantage at Karuta.   


  1. How much foot content do you have, Paganax? It seems like you covered the whole year worth of feet.

  2. Have you seen this anime, Paganax?

  3. Bare feet in long pants is one of my weaknesses. Fabulous Paganax! If this is the 1st of 4 posts, we probably have a heavy hitter in terms of feet scenes on our hands. 😆

    1. I don't know if any of us has seen this anime.

    2. 27 galleries for the first two seasons. Plus, this April season 3 will start airing in Japan.

    3. ...Or October now according to Wikipedia.

  4. I dont think any of us would be able to beat her at this card game. We would all be concerned with that fact that shes barefoot. Lol.

    1. here is a wikipedia site with the rules:
      What it boils down to is the player tries to be the first to touch the card that contains the poem that a reader is reading. The objective to empty your side of the field. If you get a card on the opponents side of the field you give them one of yours. With 50 cards on the field to start with, if there are no faults or penalties it's effectively who can get 25 cards first.

  5. Awesome. She seems really hot Paganax. :-) Excited to see more of her.
