Sunday, September 1, 2019

Chihayafuru: Shinobu Wakamiyo, Part 1 of 2

Shinobu is the eccentric reigning queen of Karuta.  Do to a strict upbringing meant to make her a better karuta player, she wasn't allowed to have friends.  That made her somewhat socially awkward.  An extremely skilled southpaw she has trouble finding someone who can challenge her.  The vast majority of her opponents tend to start strong, but are broken by the end the match making it feel like she's playing alone.  She develops a rivalry with Chihaya do to her not giving up through  out their match.



  1. You know, this anime is going to be a foot feast for the blog. I love it and their soles are awesome!

  2. Another really attractive character. :-D

    1. I know. Their feet are better than the card game.
