Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Foot Fetishist's Question

An simple question: What Makes Feet so Fabulous and Sexy in Your Own Opinion? I had a few answers: they're soft, enjoyable to massage, painted toes or not are still cool on women, the smell (stinky or not), some of the jewelry like an nice toe ring, they are ticklish since they have a lot of nerve endings on the soles and in-between the toes, sizes (big and small), I loved how clean and soft-looking their feet were after an spa treatment, I sometimes like dirty female feet depending on how they got that way. Girls and Women can take care of their feet more than guys. Maybe I was just being paranoid when it comes to personal secrets. Female feet is something I kept hidden until a few years ago when I started to fantasize what I want to do with them.


  1. Perfect analysis. Plus a Beautiful Women looks even sexier when barefoot.

  2. Personally, I love any state my fiance's feet are in. Painted nails, definitely. Sweaty after work. Yes. Muddy, messy and dirty. Completely. Just plain are always good.
