Tuesday, March 5, 2019

My Idea for an Anime: "Were" is Ōkami Ta

I know this isn’t entirely foot related but much like Fairy Tail I’d put a lot of foot fan service in it.

Plot- Ōkami Ta has a family curse that turns her into a werewolf and her friends that know about her curse try to stop her from terrorizing the town and get her back to class on time each day

Ōkami Ta- a 18 year old college student who is burdened with a family curse that turns her into a werewolf. Her changes are unexpected because she's at an early stage of her werewolfism where she can't control herself.

Personality- bubbly and outgoing, yet slightly airheaded, a bit of a flirt, loves to eat 

Appearance- long brown hair, blue eyes, cup size E, shoe size 10, wears 

Likes- her friends, shoe shopping, swimming, spa treatments, food

Dislikes- her transformations, having to replace her clothes after each transformation.


Ōkami Ta- a 18 year old college student who is burdened with a family curse that turns her into a werewolf. Her changes are unexpected because she's at an early stage of her werewolfism where she can't control herself.Ōkami's always cheerful and bubbly kinda Sailor moon-ish eyes with long brown hair

Mokuzai- An 18 year old boy who's one of Ōkami's best friends and who has a foot fetish and has a crush on Ōkami. Mokuzai has shy eyes and has combed blonde hair

Tsundora- An 18 year old girl who's one of Ōkami's best friends, she's a lttle envious of  Ōkami's curse and wishes she can be a wolf. She's a nature freak. Tsundora has curly blue hair and has like has bright blue eyes 

Sōgen- An 18 year old boy who's one of Ōkami's best friends,  independent, wild, tough and a loner by nature. Sōgen has short black hair and bruiting eyes like Sauske in Naurto

Ezo- An 18 year old girl who's one of Ōkami's best friends, She's strong, cool and a little scary but relied on by everyone to think of a plan to catch Ōkami when her werewolf form terrorizes the town  , even so she can be really girly and liked sweet things and cute clothes. Ezo has deranged looking eyes with glasses and has red hair

Hisan'na- The most popular girl in school and constantly teases Ōkami which generally results with Ōkami wanting to get her wolf on her but her friends constantly talk her out of it. Hisan'na is also jealous of Ōkami cause she has bigger breasts than her. Hisan'na has brown prissy hair and has like evil eyes.

''Were'' is Okami Ta Episode 1 ''First Day''

We see a young girl saying good bye to her parents as she leaves for college. " Before you go there's something I need to te-" said the mother as she noticed she left before she could finish her sentence. Õkami is waving good bye.  While walking to her college she began to feel itchy. She scratched and scratched then suddenly a tail pokes out of her skirt. 

Õkami doesn't know this so people just kept staring at her. She finally gets to college and her tail disappears. A person there gives her a school uniform and she goes into the changing room to change. She enters the room and begins to change into her uniform but then she feels something touching her feet.  

She looks down and sees a pair of hands touching her feet she looks under the bench and sees a boy under it. She freaks out and whacks the guy " what the hell are you doing you pervert" yelled Õkami. Suddenly another girl walks in named Ezo. " Please excuse Mokuzai he can't control himself when it comes to feet" said Ezo.  " My name is Ezo what's yours?" asked Ezo. "Õkami" said Õkami. They instantly become friends. During class she meet more of Ezo's friends Tsundora and Sōgen, Tsundora liked nature stuff and Sõgen was kinda brutish. 

Õkami's stomach started grumbling, " My tummy needs food" complained Õkami as she places her hand on her stomach. Her new friends take her to the cafeteria and find that Õkami has quite the appitite for a girl. " I was always a carnivore" said Õkami while eating alot of meat product. Õkami began to feel strange she told the others that she meet them in class. Õkami heads to the ladies room which was lucky for her that no one else was there. 

Her entire body felt hot and itchy. Little does she know Mokuzai was peeping at her. Suddenly her fingernails grew long and sharp and turned black. Her body began growing fur and her clothes feel tighter. "What's happening to me" yelled Õkami in pain. Her breasts started growing each button of her shirt pops off 1 by 1. Her shoes were getting really tight as her feet grew bigger ripping her shoes as her toes merge into 3 and grows claws.

 Ezo sees Mokuzai perving again. " Damn it Mokuzai" yelled Ezo. " Ezo look" said Mokuzai timidly. Ezo looks and sees the horror. Õkami' skirt rips off as a tail grows out of her ass. Her face begins to stretch out as fangs grow in. " Oh my god, Õkami is a werewolf" said Ezo in shock. Werewolf Õkami breaks through the doors and leaves the school. Ezo and Mokuzai tell Tsundora and Sõgen about the situation. Ezo came up with an idea " You 3 go after Õkami and ill be in library to see if I can find something on werewolves" said Ezo.  Õkami was running through town she looks at the window and sees her reflection enraged she smashed the window.

Õkami's mind began warping as she sees a man and attempts to eat him. She pounces on the man and attacks him but then Sõgen throws a rock at her. The guy flees and Õkami's friends try to talk sense to her. " Õkami it's us your friends, please snap out of this" said Tsundora. But Õkami attacks them but Sõgen fights back. But than Ezo comes back with some wolf bane, she gets close enough to Õkami and puts the wolf bane to her snout. She sniffs it and is knocked out cold. She explains that in the library she found a book about werewolves and learned that wolf bane can knock them out for a while. Õkami begins to change back as her friends carry her back to the college being careful the classmates don't see her near naked body. Mokuzai was playing with Õkami's feet. Ezo smacks his head " just how low can a perv go" she yelled. They bring her to her dorm as she awakens.

She yells " what happened, where are my clothes" she seemed really embarrassed. Ezo explained to her that she turned into a werewolf and terrorized the town. " What?" Õkami said confusingly. She calls her mother and tells her she changed into a werewolf. Her mother explains that it's because she turned 18 and that she was also a werewolf. She hangs up and tries to process this. " But it's day how come turned into a werewolf without a full moon" said Õkami. Ezo explains that she's at an early stage of her werewolfisms therefore her transformations are random and can happen anytime and that also she cannot control her actions but when she gets older that she'll have more control. Her friends promised that they be there to help her get through this.


  1. Nice concept Gumball. A werewolf anime is exciting. The first episode is entertaining.

    1. Yeah here’s hoping I can find someone who knows how to draw manga style

    2. At least, you finished the prologue of your story, GumballW.

    3. Well the second episode takes place at the beach

  2. I remember you telling me about this, GumballW.
