Saturday, March 23, 2019

Nanatsu No Bitoku: Michael

Ok... This week I'm going to be doing a series of tributes to the anime Nanatsu No Bitoku aka the Seven Heavenly virtues. This anime is itself a spin off of another anime called the Seven Mortal Sins (Nanatsu No Taizai) which deals with characters representing each of the Seven Deadly Sins. In contrast with the characters in its predecessor anime, the Seven Heavenly Virtues deals with angels representing positive qualities that they wish to nurture in humanity. To kick things off...Here is a tribute to the leader of the Heavenly virtues themselves Michael. ^_^
(There is one webfind. Most of these are from the anime Nanatsu No Bitoku episodes 1, 7, 10 and Special episode 2. A Huge Thank you to Noah for recommending this series. ^_^)

Michael is the angel of Faith and leader of the other angels. She tends to be pretty strict and believes in intense training. In the Seven Mortal Sins anime, she is responsible for sending Lucifer (the main character of that series) to hell. The premise of  Nanatsu No Bitoku anime is each of the Seven virtues are sent out to look after humans with positive qualities that the virtues can inspire in the hopes of creating a future messiah. What wind up happening though is that the situations don't play out the way that the way each virtue intends. In Michael's case, she winds up putting the human she is charged with helping through rigorous training to develop his discipline. However, she is shown to have a weakness for the omelettes that he is good at making and winds up softening on him a little.

Micheal is really attractive. I tend to have a weakness for dominating characters myself so I like her quite a bit. I wish this anime provided a few more scenes of her feet that I could showcase for you guys but I am happy that at least there are a few scenes of this character without her boots on to display here.

Ok everyone. Still more Heavenly virtues to come. :-) Until next time! 


  1. I still don't care for this ecchi anime after I dropped Seven Mortal Sins so no thank you.

    1. O.O I haven't watched Seven Mortal Sins yet. I'm guessing you don't recommend it.

    2. Not really because I found it irritating because Marie, the human girl, was constantly abused and insulted while the rest of the cast are Demon Lords who happily lure humanity into becoming their followers all so that they can be thrown to Hell when they die. I dropped it after episode 3 because I couldn't stand it.

    3. It's really NOT worth the watch, I concur with Custom on this one. Unless you watch the uncensored version, provided you know where to look, the "fanservice", if you can call it that, isn't really worth your time.
      And to add to Custom's statement, she's not even a character, you notice how she reacts to her situation? And yet people call Rey from Star Wars a "Mary Sue"....

    4. I appreciated you correcting me, Noah. That eechi anime, Seven Mortal Sins, had some serious problems in the production. I mean, it ended up having not one but two recap episodes. This caused the anime to lose its timeslot, resulting in the final episode being delayed two weeks more. Altogether, the last episode aired with a four week delay.

    5. Oh... guess I can avoid that one. ^_^

    6. Yes, please stay away from this anime.

  2. I remember you being a Kingdom Hearts fan a long time ago, if you still are have you played 3?

    1. Not yet. I have the game but I'm still using my weekends to work through the Resident Evil 2 Remake. I'm about 3/4 through the second scenario. At the rate I'm going, I'll probably be able to tackle KH3 next month.

    2. Had the same thing going on, RE2 was a fun ride.

      Okay, good, you're in for some good scenes in the beginning levels of the game, if you know what I mean.

    3. Yeah I'm really enjoying it. I played the original RE2 when I was younger... The remake is much more challenging.

      O.O Really looking forward to trying it out.
