Saturday, April 13, 2019

Custom's Toonami Picks

It's Saturday and since I haven't done this since I started working for this blog but I wanted to talk a bit of Toonami, the action block that got me into anime. Here I will talk at least six shows I watched when I was a kid and now as an adult. First off is Dragon Ball Z and Sailor Moon, two gateway series for me because of how different they were from cartoons. When I first saw them, they blew my mind in a good way because for one thing: Death can be taken serious despite being cheap, fights are fast-based in DBZ while my love for long haired girl started in Sailor Moon along with my fixation on girls who can control fire (Sailor Mars). The third was Zatch Bell, I remember watching it when I was still in middle school before it was dropped after episode 77, it was pretty good from the fighting side while you can use your Mamodo to help your battle strategies. My fourth show was the original Naruto, in many ways, it felt like Dragon Ball due to the main protagonist has some similarities along with the early arcs but it gotten darker and more complex, I remember recording episodes on VHS tapes when they aired along with the movies. My fifth show was Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo, it was a very funny action series and I couldn't stop laughing at this shonen series. My sixth and last show from the original Toonami was Blue Dragon, character design-wise, it screamed Dragon Ball since Akira Toriyama has worked on the character design for the game, Bonquet is someone I remember vividly along with Shu and Nene, I still cannot get over Bonquet's design and her feet when she need to be naked to get invisible.


  1. Nice Custom. I like fire themed female characters too. Sailor Moon and Gundam Wing were the big Toonami shows I watched. I also watched bits of Gundam Wing, Ronin Warriors and Tenchi Muyo. For Naruto, Rurouni Kenshin and Inuyasha... I had already watched them online by the time they aired on Toonami.

    1. OK. I was going to tell more because of my memories of the block itself.

    2. All right, when I found out that the block was cancelled in 2008, I was pretty shocked in a bad way because it was one of the reasons I was still watching television. My brother told me about it and he was right, he isn't an huge anime fan like me but he watches it every now and then. Before that, I know that some anime like Zatch Bell and Bobobo were standouts despite not being as popular like Naruto. I missed out Gundam Wing when it came out because I didn't know a thing about Gundam in general until 00 came out in 2007. After the Toonami block returned in 2012, I was shocked to see it return and along with the way, newer stuff I got into at the time like Hunter x Hunter and Casshern Sins.
