Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Google Plus Announcement

This doesn't affect everyone but there are several members and visitors on this site with Google Plus accounts. Google recently eliminated most of its Google Plus features. Most of the people affected by this probably already received notifications and e-mails informing them. The main Google services such as g-mail, and photo storage will remain intact and google allows you to backup any data that might be lost in the change.

In terms of Blogger though... This is what will be affected...
It also means that users with Google plus accounts will have to switch over to blogger accounts to continue interacting with this site (or any blogger site they visit). This seems like it will happen automatically as users with both blogger and google plus accounts will be switched back to their blogger accounts. For those Google+ users that don't have blogger accounts. They will be prompted to  register for a blogger account the next time they sign in. You guys can find out more information about the changes here.

There shouldn't be any problems with the switch over but if any posters wind up having any issues with their accounts I can always add you back to the site if necessary. Just e-mail me and let me know.

A big thank you to Dan for giving me the heads up about this. I meant to post this earlier but I didn't get the chance until now.

Hope everyone is doing good and as always... more to come soon!


  1. Well this sucks, I thought it was a glitch. Thanks for the info.

    1. Don't forget to bring back your Naruto profile picture Chris.

    2. I will you all must remember me.

      That's actually pic of me in toon form, but I do kinda look like him. lol

  2. I've heard about this. Luckily, I come here with my Blogger account.
    What I don't understand is how I get email notifications whenever a new post shows up. I get emails for comments, but not the posts itself.

    1. There's a mailing list feature in my blogger settings that notifies users when a new post is added. I could add your e-mail to it if you want.

    2. Like I told Chris, Noah make sure to bring back whatever your profile picture was. I know it can be changed.

    3. Dan, have you seen my new post

    4. Yes, I just commented on it. Best one yet. Now I really want to see that series.

  3. Looks like Keychan switched over. But there are still 4 profiles listed as Unknowns. So guys, please update your profile settings. This message is for Flynn Mars, Horsepower Enthusiast, Gregory Lloyd, and denzel mart.

  4. Thankfully,I don't use my google Plus account too often.

    1. Yeah similar with me Stefan. I registered with blogger before they introduced Google plus and never transferred over.

  5. I managed to download my files from Google + in gmail.
