Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Nanatsu No Bitoku Poll Results

The special weekend poll has come to an end...  66 votes were cast and here are the results...
It looks like the two blue haired sisters Sandalphon and Metatron were the most popular for this one. Metatron in particular dominated this poll grabbing first place with 19 votes. Her sister was not fair behind though and secured second with 14 votes. There was a tie for third with between Gaburieru and Sariel each of them getting 10 votes a piece. All of the other virtues had fans of their own and even the least voted for Uriel has a fan for each foot. :-)

Ok just to close out the  Nanatsu no Bitoku tributes... Let's add a few group shots in this post to remember them with. :-)
Once again Thanks to Noah for recommending this show... it was a lot of fun to work on. I hope you guys liked these tributes. ^_^

With these finished... I haven't decided what my set of posts will be. I might do a couple of quick tributes from my backlog. I'm also working on a nice set of comic book tributes for you guys as well as a couple of game models and some writing.com storylines. Will be posting some more Anime, Cartoon and Videogame tributes as well. Anyway...As always... more to come soon!



  1. Yes Sandalphon got second place and congratulations to Metatron making first place.
